Chapter t2enty-fiv5

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WHEN BEC CAME OVER TO pick me up for school, I scarcely even talked. In fact, I didn't want to talk to anyone for the whole day, except for Jayden of course.

I slept thinking of him and woke up thinking of him. Brushing my teeth was troublesome too because whenever I looked at myself on the mirror, I saw my lips curled into a smile. The very lips Jayden had kissed.

Wow, if this is how those teen-fiction movie girls usually feel, someone sign me up for a movie! Or write a book with me as the main character or something!

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I'm exaggerating, and one simple kiss should just feel like a simple hand-hold, not like fireworks were being lit up and sparks were flying and shit, but if you get the opportunity to kiss someone you like, you'd understand.

It's hilarious how, just less than a month ago, I didn't even talk to the guy and one kiss from him was enough to make me develop crushes. Then I said that it would be stupid liking him. Now, stupid, what do you have to say about that?

When I finally got to wear my clothes for the day, I waited outside for Bec to park by the house and pick me up. The rest of the car ride was just blissful silence.

Only I knew how eager I was for lunch to finally reach. I could've sworn if it weren't for Mr Lenton's dismissing us later than usual, I'd already made it first in line for lunch. To say it simply, I wasn't even paying attention in my classes for the day.

It was annoying that neither of us in our friend group ever shared a class right before lunch. We always had to risk knowing that one of us would get there in time and fight off anyone who'd try to sit on any of the window tables. And trust me, screaming at someone to leave a table where you're sitting by yourself must be the craziest thing you could do in high school. Well, that and screaming at an empty toilet stall for minutes for someone to get out.

This time, I was the last one to make it to the table and I most likely wasn't glad about that. Alex, Bec and Jayden all stared at me when I arrived. I only paid attention to Jayden though, staring at him for longer than normal. He'd stared back at me but he seemed calm and relaxed whereas I felt claustrophobic.

"Jay, aren't you gonna sit?" Bec questioned when she subsequently noticed Jayden and I were staring at each other.

I sat and looked away from him, grabbing my pudding cup and opening it hurriedly. I took a spoon and dug into the pudding, swallowing each chunk whole and fast.

"Damn, Jay, take it easy on that pudding," Alex said. "You sound like a slob."

"Yeah, you'll end up choking, you know?" added Jayden as he calmly brought his spoonful of mash potatoes towards his mouth. It was ironic that he said that because I actually ended up choking for real that time and it was all because I heard Jayden's voice.

Okay, lovestruck-itis has to stop before I choke to death, I thought to myself as I struggled to swallow the chunk stuck in my throat. I smiled at Jayden, mildly annoyed when he stood up and helped me swallow. How's he so calm right now?

"You okay?" he asked.

I coughed a bit and hit my chest twice to make sure. "Yeah."

He sat back down and continued to eat his food as his eyes wandered around the cafeteria. I ignored this and paid attention to eating that time, trying my best to lower my nerves.

My eyes landed on Bec eventually and hers were on mine too, like a hawk. She squinted suspiciously and then made sure I saw her look at Jayden before turning back to me. And her smile wasn't good news either.

"What?" I questioned her.

"What's going on between you and Jayden?"


I swallowed a huge lug of saliva and thought of a good enough reply.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. Yesterday, there was this sort of aggression between you two, and today, it's like you're best friends again."

I had no way of explaining that, but Jayden came round and helped me, kind of. "First of all, Bec," he started off, "It's none of your business. And second, Jamie and I kissed yesterday and now we're good, okay? Now, would you leave her alone?"

I heard Alex cough out loud suddenly. I guess it was his turn to get choked by food. Bec, on the other hand, smiled, her lips curled gradually into a huge creepy grin and I felt myself shiver at that.

"You really didn't have to say that," I told Jayden as those familiar nerves I had a while ago came back.

"And you really didn't have to be rude about it either," said Bec. "I was just curious."

"Yeah, well, you were being too curiously annoying."

"'Curiously annoying' doesn't even make sense!"

"Why don't you two shut the fuck up? Hmm?" Alex finally spoke. "Try getting along."

They both shook their heads. I remained sitting there awkwardly and quietly staring.

"Too annoyingly loud for my taste, honestly dude."

"Well, Jayden's too boring for me."

Jayden pointed at his eyes and opened them wide. "Look deep into my eyes and try finding that single fuck I give."

Alex shook his head as he massaged his temples like he was a stressed old man. "Bec, Jayden's not rude, he's just blunt. Get used to it. And Jayden, how about you be less crude with Bec?"

Jayden looked at Alex and then at Bec. He smiled a bit but it looked forced. "I'll try that sometime," he replied, turning to me, standing up and grabbing me, dragging me away. "Lemme have a word with Jay for a bit."

With that, I was dragged all the way outside the cafeteria into the empty school hallway. Jayden looked around and let go of me as soon as everyone was out of sight. We stood there for mere seconds and I only noticed that Jayden was becoming fidgety when he started to pace around.

"This has been driving me crazy! " I tilted my head to the right and my eyebrows furrowed. I gave him a quizzical look, waiting for him to continue. "We can't just go on with life as if yesterday didn't happen," he added.

"I'm confused myself."

"Well, I kind of thought we're, like, dating now-"

"Are we?"

"I don't know, are we? I mean, we kissed, but... does that count?"

I shook my head slowly while Jayden sighed. "We like each other, right?"

He nodded almost immediately.

"Well then, I...I guess we're dating?"




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