Chapter fiv5

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TODAY WAS THE FIRST DAY of senior year. Bec picked me up early in the morning after breakfast and we went to Moonbucks first to pick something up for lunch later.

Bec and I sat together on a booth not so far from the counter. I saw her take out her phone and text someone.

Coincidentally, my phone beeped and I checked my notifications seeing that it was Bec who texted me. I looked at her and my eyebrows rose. "Seriously?"

"What? The Wi-Fi's free," she said with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes at her and looked at the message. It read: 'Wanna come over to Alex's after scul? Ryan will b thr. 😉'

"No," I answered without hesitation.

"Why not? You and Ryan are cute together-"


"Come on! You were totally checking him out!"

"Yeah, well, I was also checking Bob out. So, shut up."

Bec's face twisted into an expression of confusion. "Who the fuck is Bob?"

I looked away briefly, embarrassed and ashamed that I'd actually remembered Bob. Slowly, a look of realization replaced her confusion.

"The kiss-cam guy?!"

I cowered in my seat as soon as she shouted that.

I don't know why I was blushing so much about it but you can't really delete the memory of your first kiss. Yep! The kiss during the basketball game was my first. And if you hadn't assumed that already, well, you should've seen it coming.

You know, I forgot to mention that I'm the kind of person who automatically has a crush on someone that meets the following conditions: 1) Is a human being. 2) Is a boy. 3) Is roughly my age. And 4)Likes/touches/looks at me.

I'm hopeless, I know, but, I mean, who doesn't feel all awkward around cute boys? A person that's not human is who.

"Ohohohoho," Bec laughed, her mouth wide in the shape of the letter 'O'. "We're going to find... Bob... and make sure you two become friends."

"Friends?! Why would I want to-"

Bec sighed and shook her head, interrupting me with a firm grip on my shoulders. I froze, startled by both her strong grip on me and the creepy smile on her face.

"Last time I checked, you owe me a return-favour..."

My eyes widened in horror. I shook my head slowly, tears balancing on my eyes. (Okay, maybe the 'tears' part is a lie, but I wanted to cry nonetheless.)

"Oh come on, Bec-"

"Shush!" she shouted, drawing attention to us. "I've told you so many times that you need to get some guy friends. You need to stop being shy around boys."

I nodded timidly knowing perfectly well that she was right. She sighed, looked at me sympathetically and loosened her grip on my shoulders.

"Jay, I know it's hard for you, but just try it."

"Bec and Jadie!" screamed one of the Moonbucks workers startling both me and Bec. "Your orders are ready!" 

"Shit, I forgot we were here," Bec said, releasing me and standing up. She patted my back urging me to stand up. "Come on, let's go."

I ignored her words trying to focus on my thoughts. Did that guy just call me 'Jadie'?

I stood up and moved to the counter to take my cup. Sure enough, the name 'Jadie' was written on it. I sighed sadly and muttered a 'thank you' at the worker then walked out of the building alongside Bec.

"Well, I guess I'm Jadie now," I told Bec.

"Don't worry, they misspelt my name too." Bec held up her cup and I saw the name 'Beck' written on it.

"Yeah, how sad it is that they added one letter to your name that doesn't even affect its pronunciation," I said sarcastically.

Bec laughed and jingled her car keys in her hands as she pressed the 'unlock' button on it. Then, the car beeped twice. "Just get in the car, Jadie."

School seemed different. The buildings were brighter and the hallway looked smaller. Many of us were squeezed like burritos in the hallway, trying to get to our lockers, while others were just standing randomly having conversations about how lit their summer was.

Bec and I are locker-neighbours which is how we got to know each other. Our lockers were unfortunately situated next to the boys' washrooms and, believe it or not, that's where Alex and Bec first became friends and eventually boyfriend and girlfriend.

Romance of a lifetime right there. Even though they always seemed to look like brother and sister with their similar hair and eye colour.

I wonder what they'll tell their kids though... Kids, I'm gonna tell you the story of how I met your mother. I shook my head and laughed at the thought.

We were supposed to get to the school's opening assembly by nine according to the P.A system. So, when it was finally time to do that, we went to the school's gymnasium and sat in rows according to our homeroom classes.

Bec and I didn't share a class though, so we had to split up. I sat beside Alex and another one of my friends, Violet.

"Hey Jay!" Violet greeted me. I looked at her eyes, focused on the game she was playing on her phone.

"Hey Vi. Whatchu playing?"

"Candy cash."

I nodded. "Okay. That's good."

She gave me a sideglance and put her phone down. "You wanna talk or something?"

"Well, nah," I lied. "But, if you want to..."

Vi sat up on her chair which was rare. I've been used to seeing her sunk into every seat she sits on. Posture, to her, was like a level nine-thousand game boss. She looked at me as if she were half-asleep and half-high.

"You do know you're, like, a massive popular now," she said out of the blue.

I nodded, mostly because I was already aware of my status in school. Most people would say that I'm easy to talk to and basically just a cool person. Some just know me because I'm a good basketball player. I wasn't surprised by the popularity but it still made me self-conscious most of the time.

"You, Alex, Bec and Jay were on the freaking jumbotron during last week's game! That's huge!"

"D'you say my name?" Alex asked cautiously as he spun his head towards our direction. I ignored his question though when I realized that Vi had mentioned me twice. Unless... Jay was someone else.

"Wait... Jay?" I questioned.

"Yeah. The guy you kissed."

Shit, I gasped inwardly.


Say 'hey'!
You: HEYO!
Say 'ho'!
You: You're a ho!

Well, I had a bit of trouble writing this chap. Mostly 'cause I thought the whole Moonbucks scene and the convo between Jamie and Vi were useless. But then again, I want y'all to know Jamie's friends and her social life.

BTW, Vi is pronounced as Vuh-ay

Okay, enough about that, now, vote, comment, share...idec


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