Chapter t2enty-t2o

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I FELT A GENTLE AND cool breeze tickle every part of my body. It was pleasant to say the least. The sun was cooler here and I loved staring at it, even though my eyes didn't.

I found myself staring at most things I came across actually; the houses, the light swaying trees and the bright green grass.

So this is where Jayden lives.

I span in circles as I took it all in. By the time I'd stopped ogling over everything, Jayden had walked far and I could barely see him from where I was standing.

I ran after him before he could disappear from my sight and caught up to him, panting and breathing heavily. He stood for a moment and faced one of the houses.

"We're here. Thanks for taking me home."

I looked up at him as he walked towards the front door of the house. I gave the house a good long stare first and observed the two cars in the driveway as well as a motorcycle parked right beside the open garage.

"I'm coming inside," I declared and walked over to him. "And I'm not leaving until you insult me either."

He let out a soft breath and smiled wide. "Then you might stay here a while."

I groaned, irritated by Jayden's stubbornness. The one time he had to say something mean to me and he doesn't. He's doing this on purpose to make me feel worse.

Jayden took out a key from his backpack and used it to open the door. It swung open with a simple push and we both walked inside.

The house looked better than I'd imagined too. The ceilings were, like, a mile and a half away from the floor and the windows were huge and wide. Light penetrated every single particle of air in that house and it gave me a sense of happiness.

"Rex!" Jayden called out at the empty hallway right ahead of us.

A tall dark-haired guy came out of one of the rooms ahead of us, barefoot and in a torn sleeveless shirt. He stretched and rubbed his eyes as he walked over, yawning.

I studied Jayden and then looked back at the guy and I could see some resemblance.

"What are you doing here?" Jayden asked the guy.

"Easy. I live here."

I looked at both of them, alternating from Jayden to the stranger. They stared each other down and I could sense some sort of rivalry between the two. "Where's Rex?"

"I don't know. I'm not his babysitter."

"You're such an ass."

"A round one I hope."

Jayden shook his head and looked at me like he pitied me. He could clearly tell how hard I'd cringed at what his brother-or-cousin said.

"And who's this?"

"Matt, just mind your own business. Please."

So his name was Matt?

Matt ignored Jayden's advice and turned to me. He took a few steps closer and smiled. "Hi. I'm Matthew Colt. Nice to meet you."

That name, Colt, rings a bell... Did Jayden ever tell me his last name?

I nodded almost immediately and felt the need to take a step back. I don't know why, but Matt freaked me out.

"Is she your-"

"Friend? No. She followed me here."

Did I just feel an arrow stab through my heart?

Matt sighed and glanced at me once more. "What's your name?"

"Jam-" I stopped talking immediately when I saw a dog walk into the room. It was a large golden retriever with lots of fur. Its tail wiggled sharply from left to right when it saw Jayden and it pounced on him.

Jayden fell back and laughed when the dog licked his whole face. Cute was the word that came to mind when I saw Jayden petting the dog.

I knelt down beside the two and tried my best to look at the dog's collar.


"Aww! He's so adorable!"

"I know right?" Jayden replied as he faced me with such a huge smile on his face. That time, he seemed genuinely happy.

I wanted to freeze time and just stare at him like that, but when he turned his attention back to Rex, I noticed how creepy that thought was. I shook my head and reached my hand out to pet Rex, smiling at how he rolled over onto his back as soon as I touched him.

Jayden scratched the dog's tummy and he howled uncontrollably which prompted Matt to cover his ears and walked out of the room.

"Rex likes you, somehow," Jayden pointed out.

"Was that an insult?" I asked eagerly.

"No. He just normally hates people. How he likes you is a mystery."

I sighed audibly, openly frustrated. "Why aren't you telling me that you hate me? Tell me I'm a bad friend or something! I'm tired of you being nice!"

"Because I know that if I do, you'll feel better."

"No. I want to feel awful and-"

"Jamie, if I tell you that you're a bad person, I'll just be doing what you want me to do, not what I want to do. And if I do what you want, you'll feel better."

Jayden stood up and dusted himself off as Rex jumped around him.

"If you're just here to get me to do what you want, then I'm sorry, I won't. Now, I'll be heading off to my room. Bye Jamie."

I stood hopelessly as I watched Jayden walk up a flight of stairs. And then it hit me. Maybe I was using the wrong approach...


Jayden stood still for a moment, turning back lazily in a fed-up sort of way.

"Tell me what happened to you and I'll leave."

I stared and looked him in the eyes, begging for an answer.

Sighing, he waved me over and said, "Well, first, you'll have to wait for my parents."


Please comment, like seriously. I need support and feedback. How else am I supposed to know if y'all like the story or if it sucks??

Anyway, today, I'll upload a second chap and then I'm done for the day.


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