Chapter t2enty-se7en

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RYAN AND I WALKED INTO the house together and everyone stared. Well, more specifically, they stared at Ryan since he was the guy we were planning the party for.

Julia shrieked as soon as she saw her nephew and if you wouldn't guess, she also hugged Ryan to death, almost.

"Wow," was the only thing he could say after that.

"We're gonna miss you!"

Ryan looked around and smiled at everyone, gesturing towards the few guests that had already arrived. "That's the plan."

"We had Alex and his friends invite some people over if that's okay with you."

Ryan nodded and looked around but he was frowning. "I'll go change first and then come back."

Julia nodded and let Ryan leave. He turned to me and waved me over as he walked to his room so I followed him.

As soon as he closed the room behind him, he leaned on the door and sunk all the way to the floor, covering his face.

"You really shouldn't have done this for me. I stressed on it, and those two still go on with planning this party!"

"You didn't want a farewell party?" I asked as I sat next to him on the floor.

"Who wants to be reminded of leaving a place they've enjoyed staying at? Plus, I know none of those kids that were invited here, except you, Jayden, Alex and Bec."

"Oh." I looked down at the ground and thought. Ryan never even mentioned having friends here and it would've been hard inviting people from his home.

"I appreciate the party, but I'd rather just sit in here and watch the TV."

"Well... I'll keep you company if you want-"

"Nah. You'll be missing out on the fun."

"What fun, eating snacks and talking to people? If you already forgot, I don't have many friends."

Ryan withdrew his hands from his face and looked at me for a moment. "What about Jayden? You've been following my advice, right?"

"Yeah... Jayden and I are dating now."

Ryan smiled and clapped like a child. "Well, good for you!"

"I don't even know much about him yet."

"Then go out there and do that!" Ryan stood up and dragged me up as well. He opened the door and pointed outside. "Me and my girlfriend wouldn't have made it through our long-distance relationship if we weren't so close. You need to set up boundaries and be, like, besties if you really like him."

"Wait, you have a girlfriend?" I questioned.

"Yeah. She lives in Paris." Ryan's eyes started to glint and shine as if he were talking of precious diamonds. "Sometimes, my parents take me to Paris with them during school breaks and when Lia and I meet, we're never even more than fifty feet apart."

I smiled at Ryan as he spoke. It was like his happiness was spreading to me and he didn't mind sharing it. It was strange because I wouldn't have pictured him with a girlfriend at all.

"Now, go on! Jayden's waiting!" Ryan said with a wink and shoved me out of his room.

The living room was just full of people and bass-boosted music. The pizzas were already out on the table and so were the few cakes that had been baked.

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