Chapter f15teen

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MONDAY BEGAN AND I WAS already feeling hang up on what happened on Saturday. I probably shouldn't have eaten all that cereal and then filled myself up with ice cream. And yes, it annoyed me that I was pregnant with all that foodstuff on a week that I was supposed to not be.

All the eating had apparently destroyed most of the few brain cells I had left because I'd forgotten most of the day and the next! Damn, who knew food could be such a bitch?

When I got to school, I set my mind on my daily routine of finding Jayden as soon as possible. As much as I didn't want to,(mostly because he hadn't replied to my text since Saturday) I did.

He was power walking across the hallway at lightning speed carrying a very serious expression on his face. Someone looks constipated...

I walked up to him and waved enthusiastically surprising myself with how confident I was but the confidence was all in vain because he walked by like I was just some small wisp of wind.

"Jayden?" I called quietly.

I knew I'd regret pressing that 'send' button...

"Jayden!" I called out, louder.




"If...if this is about that text I sent, it was just a joke."

Jayden stopped where he was, looked back at me and with the quietest of sounds uttered again, "Nope."

Although his voice was quiet, I couldn't help but wince when he said that. It was as if he shouted at me.

"Um...okay. I'll-"

"Jamie," he said with a serious, very low voice and I stood absolutely stiff. "Don't ruin this."

My head tilted slightly to my right as I studied him. "Ruin what?"

He smiled and burst out in laughter but he looked bitter rather than amused. "Look, Jamie, of course, I like you," he said casually. "Everyone likes you."

"But then-"

"Let me finish," he held up his right index finger and shushed me. "If you hadn't noticed, you're kind of popular. And you're nice. I don't even understand why you and Rebecca just popped up one day and asked me to be your friend. In case you haven't noticed, I don't have any of those."

I sighed when I felt guilt run through me. I hadn't realized that texting him something like that would make him think that I was bragging about my popularity.

Jayden shook his head and smiled. His smile was bright. The first bright smile I'd ever seen come from his lips. "You may think eleven messages are a lot at once, but to me, it's an attempt to keep you talking to me."

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't say that. I don't need an apology, really."

I nodded obediently and continued to stare at Jayden while thinking of a way I could make it up to him.

"You could come hang out with Bec, Alex and me some time. You know Alex, right? I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

Jayden's eyebrows rose and he gave me an are-you-seriously-serious look. "Hang out? Like friends?"

"Yeah! Or...or you could come by to my place again! You seemed to like it there. And Dee certainly likes you being around."

Jayden nodded, his eyes still focused on me but his mind deep in thought. "I'll follow you around, but don't expect me to talk much."

"You know what? I have a feeling that you and Alex would get along really well."

When the lunch bell finally decided to save us from hunger, almost every senior was running out their classes, joining the halls in crowds.

Personally, I never did eat school food. I always packed my own lunch. But was Meatball Monday. Specifically, spaghetti and meatballs.

True to his word, Jayden had somehow found me among the students and immediately cut the line in front of me.

"Jamie!" he whisper-shouted.


"Where are they?"

"Somewhere around here. Bec's probably already seated at our usual table. And Alex might be groaning around impatiently somewhere in the line. Actually, he might have cut the line too."

Jayden nodded and proceeded with following the queue ahead of him. When we were finally at the counter, we were served and we walked over to our table.

Our table was usually any table near the cafeteria windows where you could easily throw out food. Plus, no one ever threw food anywhere around the windows or else they'd end up cleaning and waxing every window in school, hence, it's a really good spot to be, in case of any food fights.

Getting any of the three window tables was a lot of work, but thanks to Bec, we always had one reserved.

"Bec!" I shouted, waving at her. I placed my tray of food on the table and sat next to her as I looked around the cafeteria for Alex but he still wasn't in sight.

Jayden basically remained standing until Alex could finally make his way to us. He looked confused when he saw Jayden stand by idly staring at the rest of the cafeteria and I fake-coughed to get both of them to pay attention to what I was about to say.

"Now that we're all here, I would like all of you--Jayden, please sit down--to meet my friend, Jayden."

Bec beamed at him although he was pretty rude to her the first time they'd officially met. Alex just nodded at Jayden and attempted to fill his own mouth with a bunch of meatballs.

"Hey to you too," Jayden replied and then scooted closer to me. "So, that's it?"

I nodded at him reassuringly before I could start eating up my lunch.

"Okay then." Jayden turned to Alex and offered him a hand. "So, Jamie says you and I would get along."

Alex finished chewing up his food before he could choke out any sentences. "Oh really?" His gaze was on me and his eyebrows rose. Translation: ummm...what? Why?

Alex reached out for Jayden's hand nonetheless and shook it firmly. It's like they'd already made some sort of secret handshake. Maybe they couldn't see it, but I thought they'd be pretty good friends once they get to know each other. I at least know that they both loved basketball.

Alex finally has a friend other than a girl that he could talk to. And Jayden finally has a second person he can call a friend. The way I see it, I'm the best girl friend either of them could have.



Well, idek what I should say here, so...


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