Chapter twe12e

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"I'M JEALOUS," BEC SAID AS she snapped me back into reality.

Clearly, she was waiting for me to ask her for details, so I reluctantly did just that. "Oh why would you be jealous?"

She noted my sarcastic tone and sighed audibly as she looked straight ahead at the clear road. "We haven't talked in a week."

"Yeah, so?"

Bec giggled softly and shook her head. She looked at me briefly and back at the road as she shifted from gear to gear.

"Jay, you're spending less time with me and more with...well, Jay."

"I thought you wanted us to be friends. And friends spend time together..."

"Well, yeah, but I thought all of us would be, like, the three musketeers!"

I rolled my eyes but on the inside, I was really amused by Bec's childish jealousy. "You and Jayden could never get along, trust me. He seems like the type that hates cheerful people."

"You know who he reminds me of? Old grumpy people. Like Gru. Or that old guy in that movie with the floating house and balloons."

Bec and I both burst out in laughter. I even clutched at my chest because of the pain I felt when I laughed.

"You mean 'up'?" I questioned. "And why the hell did that make me laugh so much?!"

Bec shrugged and continued to laugh. It was a matter of time before the car was silent again, but the mood had certainly changed.

"Close the window!"

"I am!"

"Do it faster!" Bec ordered. She was already at Alex's door pressing on the doorbell like it was an annoyingly large pimple. By the time I'd circled the car and made it to the door, Alex had already let Bec inside.

He watched me as I walked over. As soon as I walked in, he slammed the door behind me and greeted me with his usual greeting. "Sup Jay."

I nodded once at him and answered. "Sup."

"Ryan's not home. He's got an afternoon class right about now," he mentioned and walked over to the couch where Bec had already planted herself on.

I was confused that Alex had to mention something about Ryan to me though.

I walked after him and sat on the carpet in front of them instead of on the couch like last time. I wouldn't want them kissing right next to me, that would be awkward for me... and gross.

"You brought your PJs ladies?" Alex had asked. "Unless you want to watch movies until tomorrow morning."

I turned back to look at Bec then smiled broadly at her. I know this might sound stupid, but Bec and I decided to break a few rules tonight and lie to our parents about a sleepover at each other's homes.

But what if your parents somehow call Bec's and find out that you were lying? is what you may have asked, but here's the deal, our parents don't know each other. They just know that Bec is my friend and that I am hers... And that we're both responsible young adults that are going to university next year.

We were actually having a sleepover at Alex's and let's face it, no sane parent will agree to their young underage daughter sleeping over at a hormonal teenage boy's home. That's dumb. Really dumb.

Plus, we always did this on Friday nights when Alex's parents were at work.

"Okay, are you two gonna say something, or just continue to look at each other like kids?"

"Of course we have them idiot! We come here every Friday, why would this be the one time we forget our PJs at home?!" Bec replied.

Alex shrugged and took the remote from the coffee table in front of me, then put a CD in the DVD player.

"What genre is that?" Bec asked nervously.

Alex smirked at her in return and muttered the word 'HORROR' with a low but spooky tone. Bec immediately bounced up from the couch and headed towards the washrooms.

"Where you going?!" Alex asked as he went after her.

"I'm not shitting myself during the movie, so I'm clearing my system first!" she shouted back.

Alex shook his head and came back to the living room. He stood beside me for some time and remained eerily silent. I felt weird about it at first, but I knew that as long as I looked at his feet I'd be fine.

I realized I wasn't as shy around Alex as before and I rejoiced inwardly at the fact that hanging out with Jayden, really had made me feel less awkward around guys. Of course, my stomach was still raging and I felt sick most of the time, but I stopped panicking at any physical contact.

That's still progress, right?

Alex eventually sat down on the carpet and folded his legs. We both just mimicked each other's postures before Alex could turn to me and start talking.

"So, about Ryan..."

I gulped and sat still as I waited for him to continue.

"Um... Ryan wanted me to tell you that he wouldn't be here and that he's expecting you to tell him about independence day?" Alex shook his head, unsure of what he was saying. "I don't know. Something about independence and progress."

I nodded. It now makes sense why Alex mentioned Ryan before.

"Yeah. I get it," I told him. "Ryan wants me to try my luck with getting guy friends without Bec's help-"

"Look, Jay, I'm no good at girl-talk..."

I blushed and avoided Alex's gaze. "Oh, sorry-"

"No. I meant 'girl-talk', as in, I'm no good with talking to girls. Just like you are with boys."

My eyes had never turned their focus so fast in my life. I looked back at Alex, surprised that he, the most charismatic guy I know, was like me. How? How in the world-

His deep inhalation interrupted my thoughts and when he breathed out, he leaned back, like he wanted to disappear.

"You know, I'm still nervous around girls, it's just that I make the effort to talk to them..."

I shook my head and looked Alex in the eyes, confused this time. "Isn't it difficult?"

"It is if you make it difficult...

"You see, when I met you and Bec, you guys were always by the boys' washrooms. It's not exactly easy avoiding you two so I thought it would be less stressful for me to just talk to you both considering I'd be seeing you guys everyday. So, I made sure to make the effort."

"So... You, like, only talked to us to get it over with?"

Alex took sometime before he could answer. "Yeah, pretty much."


Alex and I both turned suddenly, shocked, and looked at Bec who was standing behind us with her hands at her hips.

"Well, the toilet isn't the only thing that's full of shit..."


Chap 13 coming tomorrow!! Vote and COMMENT! If I don't get a comment, I won't publish chap 13. (Remember, I'd like a helpful comment or an answer to this: How was the chapter/book so far?)

Otherwise, is mayonnaise an instrument?


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