Chapter t2enty-6ix

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AWKWARD, AWKWARD AND AWKWARD WERE the only words I could use to describe every moment with Jayden after finally agreeing to date each other. Yeah, we'd hold hands and then find ourselves too uncomfortable to even hold hands any longer. Whenever we kissed in public, we'd always just bump our foreheads. Sometimes, it would be our noses that bumped.

We were dating and we didn't even know that much about each other. I don't know his favourite colour--heck, I just found out his last name a day before we started dating! But I guess it's not that bad considering people set up tinder dates without even knowing how their date looks like.

Today, all four of us; Alex, Jayden, Bec and I, were heading over to Alex's place for a farewell party. Ryan's parents had finally come back home from their business trip to Paris, so Ryan had to move back home.

The party wasn't really that huge. There were a few of our friends from school. Actually, they were more of Alex's and Bec's friends. The only other friend I actually invited was Violet who was usually too occupied with playing video games to even care about socializing with people.

Honestly, I was expecting a 'no' from her when I invited her, but as soon as I mentioned free food and snacks, she agreed. In fact, she was one of the guests that actually came early, even before we finished setting up the place.

Alex's parents, Luca and Julia Dimenti, had also helped plan the party. They'd even closed down the bakery they own for the day and baked a few pizzas and cakes. I was just lucky I saw them before they disappeared into their bakery business.

"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Dimenti!" Bec greeted as soon as the door opened.

"Good afternoon to you too kids," answered Luca. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go check on the pizzas in the oven." He kissed his wife on the cheek and walked off to the kitchen. It doesn't take an expert to notice how uncomfortable that was for Alex.

"It's nice to see all of you," Julia said as she closed the door behind us. "We've done most of the arrangements already and Ryan will be back from school anytime now. Alex, why don't you help out with the pizzas in the kitchen, slice them up."

Alex groaned with exhaustion and headed to the kitchen with a lazy stride.

"And slice them up equally!" Julia added. She turned to the three of us and clapped excitedly. "Oh, it's been so long since I saw you, Jamie!" Before I could reply, Julia had hugged me tight and my eyes teared up. She looked at Jayden afterwards and pulled him in for a hug as well. "Jayden! How nice it is to see you again!"

Jayden smiled nervously at her. I could tell he was trying his best to breath after Julia's 'gentle' squeeze.

"It's nice to see you too Mrs Dimenti."

Bec was standing behind us, smiling and waiting for her turn to be hugged and as soon as Jayden and I were released, Julia came crashing into Bec. "And my lovely daughter-in-law!"

"What?!" Bec said.

"Alex's first love!" Julia screamed and proceeded to cup Bec's face and kiss both of her cheeks. I wanted to laugh at her then, but I'm sure she'd kill me afterwards.

When Bec was finally free from Julia's grasp, she tried to smile and ignore the fact that she'd just been face-raped by her boyfriend's mother.

"So, what should we do?" Jayden asked Julia.

"You three can just help set up the snacks and drinks." She pointed at a wide table that was close to the kitchen door. That was when I saw Violet there setting up the bowls and occasionally eating a few of the snacks thinking no one was looking.

Bec, Jayden and I moved towards her and started to help her out. She stopped chewing down on the nachos and smiled sheepishly at the three of us.

"Hey Vi," I greeted.

"Hey Jamie!" she replied seeming a bit squeamish. When she saw Jayden and Bec at my side, she waved and greeted them as well. "Hey Jay, Rebecca."

"Violet, how many times have I told you not to call me that?" Jayden said. "And Rebecca prefers to be called Bec."

Vi held her hands up in surrender. "Sorry Jay, but it's my mouth, and I call people what I want."

"Pfft, you talking about the mouth that was just full of nachos a few seconds ago?"

Vi chuckled nervously. "I was kinda hoping you didn't see me."

"You have red hair! Being seen should be pretty easy for you."

Vi and Jayden laughed together and I looked at them, confused. Since when were these two ever close?

I do remember Vi mentioning Jayden during the opening assembly. And if I'm corrected, she called him Jay that time too.

"Umm..." Bec interrupted, "Yeah, it's Bec, not Rebecca, and can we get to setting up the table already?"

I nodded vigorously and started to open the packets of snacks without speaking a word to anyone. I guess it was enough to make them stop talking and get on with the task.

To say the truth, I just didn't want to hear Vi and Jayden speak 'cause I was kinda feeling bad that Vi was that close to Jayden. Didn't he say that he didn't even have friends before? So, what's with Vi and him?

When we were done, I walked away to get some fresh air. Weird. I felt as if my throat was being squeezed and I couldn't breathe well.

I swung the door open and walked outside in a hurry without even facing where I was going. I bumped into someone on their way in and fell down right in front of them. Rubbing my forehead, I looked up to meet Ryan and his hand which reached down for me.

"Sorry Jamie! Let me help you up."

I looked at his hand and resorted to standing up on my own and dusting myself off.

"I'm fine."

Ryan placed his hand in one of his court's pockets and stood there awkwardly. "Okay my uncle and aunt already home?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Luca's with Alex in the kitchen and Julia's probably choking someone to death with her hugs."

Ryan laughed at my unintentional joke. "Okay then, let's head inside."


*insert author's note here*



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