Chapter t2enty-thr33

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I HAD A FEELING THAT Jayden just wanted to keep me at his house for longer and it might be true. It was seven in the evening when his parents showed up. Apparently, they both worked as cofounders of a famous textile company in Melbrook.

Jayden's father was the spitting image of him but older and surprisingly shorter. His mother looked exactly like Matt but her skin was much darker.

I felt like I was meeting Obama himself when Jayden's father introduced himself and his wife. He talked like the famous president too!

We all sat by the huge round dining table and shared a meal which reminded me to call home and tell my mother that I was at a friend's house.

The meal wasn't as quiet as I thought it would be. Mrs Colt had asked me a few questions about Jayden and I's friendship and for the most part, the night was going well even though Jayden denied being friends the whole time.

I didn't want to talk much after the meal either because it was already awkward sitting down with a completely new family.

I felt like Jayden had been stalling intentionally too, like he was punishing me by keeping me eager.

Once done, I placed my dishes into the dishwasher and followed Jayden to his room where he bounced onto his bed and still remained quiet.

"Your parents are home and we're done eating. Aren't you going to tell me now?"

I moved closer to him and sat on the edge of the bed, patiently waiting for him to say something.

"Are you done being gullible?"

I squinted my eyes at him as he laughed mischievously. "What the heck are you talking about?"

Jayden sat up and I could see from his forced expression that he was trying his best not to smile. "I lied. You didn't have to wait for my parents, but now you know them I guess."

I gave him my best I'm-so-mad-right-now face. "Why would you do that? You know I missed dinner at my own place for this!"

He shrugged and started to draw patterns mindlessly on his bed. "Revenge?" he half-said half-asked as if he too wasn't sure. "I wasn't really mad at you to begin with. In fact, I didn't really give a fuck about anything you texted me. And you already apologized with that vague text, remember?"

Of course, I remembered!

"So, me following you here-"

"Just luck. I wanted you to know where I lived anyway. Just in case you ever came over."

"'Came over' ?"

"Yeah. Like, to hang out. As friends."

I nodded. "As... friends."

My stomach did a thousand twists and somersaults. I felt sick all of a sudden and the bad thing is that the feeling I was experiencing then was the same as the one I experienced whenever the old me ever talked to a boy. Why am I feeling nervous all of a sudden?

"Have you seriously never heard of the name 'Colt' before?" Jayden asked after a period of silence.

"I have, but I don't remember where I've heard it from."

"Does the name 'Paradise' come to mind?"

My mouth widened as the name popped up in my memory. "Yeah! Yeah, I remember! It used to be a band!" Jayden nodded with a faint smile as his eyebrows rose, waiting for me to say something else.


Another name popped into my mind instantly. "Dante. Dante Colt. He was the lead singer of the band, right?"

At the mention of the name, Jayden frowned but still kept his lips curled into that very same faint smile. "Yes."

"Didn't he die in a motorcycle accident?"

He nodded slowly and looked away as soon as I said that. He stayed quiet as he walked towards his bedroom window and looked outside.

At that very moment, my throat squeezed up and became dry. My eyes widened again in sudden realization.

"Y-you're that small kid...from the news, aren't you?"

He nodded again but slowly this time as I heard his breathing get louder. Quickly, I stood up from the bed and did something I'd never done before; I gave Jayden a hug from behind. At first, he tensed and I could feel his body shaking, but then he started to breath slower and he relaxed eventually.

"Dante was my uncle. He used to teach me how to ride one--a motorcycle. And then one day, some fucking truck came out of nowhere and... and..." I could feel Jayden shake again and I wanted to look him in the eye and tell him not to cry but I just squeezed him and buried my face in his back, terrified for him.

"I'm so sorry Jay."

"He was the only one who used to call me Jay..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine. I don't care anymore."

Jayden wiggled his way out of my hands and headed down the stairs leaving me behind, confused. I followed him outside and the sun seemed to have already set. The breeze was warmer and outside was pitch black. It didn't stop me from seeing him clearly though.

He held his head and paced around furiously.

"You should just go home, Jamie."

I insisted on shaking my head and grabbed each of his hands. "I remember saying that I wasn't leaving without hearing an insult from you."

"Seriously Jamie, I'm really not in the mood right now."

"And I don't care. If you're not insulting me, I'm not leaving. Period."

Jayden somewhat chuckled and stopped pacing. "You... You're such a... I can't fucking do it! I can't, okay?"

"It's okay. I won't mind it."

In a second, I was shoved aside and forced to let go of Jayden's hands. He looked at me and he was angry, really angry.

"What are you, dense? I can't do that! I can't just fucking insult someone I actually like!"

I winced and moved back involuntarily. Shocked, I stood still and kept my mouth shut. I was speechless.

The still quiet of leaves and bushes rustling around us made the moment feel even more awkward.

"Umm... I'll... just take you home."

My head moved up and down out of its own will. It took a few more seconds, but Jayden finally moved towards the motorcycle I'd seen earlier in the driveway. I looked at it, horrified because of two reasons; 1) I had to get on a bike and stand the risk of falling off and 2) if I didn't want to fall off, I had to hold onto Jayden for dear life.

"I can walk home myself," was what I wanted to say, but God knew I already forgot the way back.

I climbed onto the motorcycle after Jayden and tried to keep a fair distance between us while still holding onto him.

I'll just admit that I like him too. There's no use pretending now, is there?


Chap two for the day is FINITO!

Julio, get the stretch! I'm done here!

(Uptown funk reference above)

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