6hapter 6ix

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"NINE OCLOCK," WAS BEC'S TEXT. She was seated just a few rows behind me, waving frantically as soon as I turned to face her.

"whats w the clock refrences? Just say 'turn left' lyk a normal person. Jeez were not in a freaking movie," I texted back.

"turn left then!"

I did as Bec said and turned to the left. That's when I saw him, Bob (or Jay), sitting a good few meters away from me. He had a hoodie on, covering his face enough to blend in with just about everyone else but not enough that no one couldn't tell it was him. Which makes me wonder how Bec knew it was him from the back.

I felt a sudden warmth seeing him so relaxed and quiet, staring out to the front in a posture that said 'I'm bored af'.

"Yyyyyea stop texting me now," I texted back and hit the send button.

I tried to pay more attention to the announcements being made and ignore the fact that Bob was just there within eyesight. It would be a lie saying that I succeeded in doing that.

After all the speeches and brief 'welcome-back' greetings, our assembly was over. Bec surprised me with a grip to the back of my top and yanked me away from Vi and Alex as soon as we all stood.

I choked and stared at Bec wondering why she attempted murder just then by scaring me like that.

"I texted you and yet you didn't make a move, so I'll make one for you."

"Bec, what the heck are you saying?" I asked, visibly tired of the bs Bec was pulling.

"We are going over to Bob and greeting him, yah?"

Then, I looked over towards Bob's direction and saw him still seated where he had been. He most probably fell asleep there and no one bothered to wake him up.

I rolled my eyes then, catching up to the fact that Bec was probably just bluffing. I wanted to laugh but when I heard her shout the name 'Bob' throughout the gymnasium, I cringed instead and choked again.

"Bec, stop-"

"Bob!" she shouted all the louder.



"Bec! His fucking name is Jay!" I screamed as my hands moved to my head to massage my temples and I closed my eyes.

"Oh," Bec said a little bit quieter before she could shout out the name, "Jay!"

Bob flinched in his chair and turned very slowly to look at us. His eyes narrowed once they landed on me, and I can tell he wasn't happy to see me. Or maybe, he was just upset that Bec woke him up.

He stood up, eventually, once we got close enough, and I felt like running away, but Bec used her monstrous grip on me and I could barely even move.

"Hi there Jay!" Bec greeted him. He didn't answer, but he still kept his deadly stare on me. I slouched and looked to the side, blushing.

"Don't call me Jay. My name's Peter," he said. "Peter Parker."

Bec laughed and punched me on my upper arm. "You hear that? Haha! Funny, isn't it?"

I looked at Bec and shook my head subtly. Obviously, he wasn't trying to be hilarious.

"I just thought since you're calling me names that aren't mine, and I presume it was me you were calling Bob, I should tell you one of my many 'not-mine' names."

Bec burst out in awkward laughter as she slammed my back repeatedly, and painfully.

"That wasn't funny," he told Bec, then he turned to me and removed the hood that covered his head of hair. "Hey there. Nice to see you again buddy."

I paid attention to his facial expressions as he said that. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. My eyes automatically moved to the hearing aids he had on which I completely forgot he had.

"Thanks for giving my ears some attention, but my eyes are over here," he added, just before he could point at his dark pair of eyes. "Now, what would Jamie Heaton and Rebecca Thompson want with me?"

He stood still and tall crossing his arms over his chest as he asked. Short was the word that came to mind when I looked at him though. But he and I were probably the same height judging by his eyes being level with mine as we looked at each other.

"Jamie wants a guy friend," Bec answered simply. "And since you were her first kiss, why not you?"

Bob surprised us when he laughed abruptly. "So, you want me to be her kissing buddy or something?"

Bec looked at me then back at Bob and then she nodded. "Well, yeah-"

"Bec, what the fuck-"

"Sure, why not?" He answered unexpectedly.

Bec and I looked at him with an are-you-serious look. She was happy, I could tell, but I was slightly confused. Bob didn't seem like he was joking though. But he also didn't seem thrilled about it.

"To be clear, you're going to be her friend, right?"

Bob nodded.

"Great! Thanks for making it easier for us!" Bec celebrated. "Then, I'll leave you two at it. Bye!" And she was gone. I wanted to scream out for her to come back, but the girl moves like Sonic. That's why she's the small forward in my team after all.

I turned stiffly towards Bob with a big smile on my face. "So..."

"Look, Jamie, what happened during the game wasn't your fault or anything. So, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable..."

"No. I...It's chill." It's not like I developed some sort of crush on you, hehe.

"Well, cool bud. But seriously, don't call me Jay. It's Jayden."

"Um...you can call me Jay then?" I half-stated, half-asked.

Jayden smiled for once and ruffled up my hair. It was awkward, but weirdly, I enjoyed it.

"Cool," he said and then he walked away. I looked at him curiously as he left and something tells me that seeing him all understanding and friendly-like was rare or probably just an act. If he were actually that nice, why doesn't he have many friends?

I breathed in and shook my head, ignoring the thought, then headed to class.


So, you've finally met Jay. Unlucky you. Oh well...

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