Return to Sender Mirror Spell

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A mirror spell to reflect back energy that has been sent to you unto the sender. Good spell to return negative energy when cleansing spells haven't been working.

You will need:
> a picture of the person you're sending the energy back to
> 2 mirrors
> 1 candle (preferably black, or white)
> a pen or pencil
> incense (optional)
> hot spices (optional)

Casting Instructions:

Step 1: Place the picture of the person between the two mirrors. The idea is that the picture represents the person, and any energy they send out is reflected back to them by the mirrors. Also light incense if you wish.

Step 2: On the back of the picture, write your intent.

Step 3: Light a candle in front of the picture for five days.

Step 4: Flick hot spices at the picture with your intent to help to add to the spell.

Step 5: The magickal energy for the spell is contained in the picture. What you do with the picture depends on what you want to happen next. There are several options:
> Want them to leave your life? Burn it.
> Want them to bend to your will? Wrap it in Black yarn nine times and store it in a dark place.
> Want them to learn a lesson? Bury it 3 feet deep.
> Want to cleanse them of their ways? Throw it in a river.


Here is a reddit post from someone who tried the spell:

(I've added that link as the External Link for this part)

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