Motivation Boost Spell

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This is to help boost your motivation. Best performed on a Saturday during the waxing or full moon.

This spell was taken from at

(I've added that link as the External Link for this part)

You will need:

· incense (any scent that is pleasing to you) *herbs *any alternative mentioned in "Broom Closet FAQs" of this book
· piece of paper (new and torn not cut)
· match/lighter
· Ink pen in your favourite colour (helps to personalise it) *pencil
· a tea light or votive candle in your favourite colour/scent *fake candle, *visualisation
· cauldron *any fire-safe bowl/container
· good intentions and belief

Step 1: Light your incense and candle.

Step 2: Write on a full size sheet of paper what you need accomplished.

Step 3: Place your cauldron or pot in front of you. Hold the paper in one hand and the incense in your power hand. Focus on what you wrote on the paper and swirl the incense around the paper in a clockwise motion.

Step 4: When you are ready to begin place your incense in its holder. Fold the paper 3 or 4 times toward you.

Step 5: Light one corner on fire and immediately drop the paper into the cauldron (you can hold it until it burns halfway and then drop it in).

Step 6: Once the fire is in the cauldron say:

"Remove this feeling of tired and drained
I desire to feel refreshed as a summer's rain
My request is to move quickly and with purpose
From here on out laziness will suppress
My fingers become nimble and quick
As the fire burns from this candlestick
This spell motivates one
And harms none
As I will it, so shall it be!"

Step 7: Look into your cauldron and make sure all pieces of paper are burned. There can be no pieces of paper left, only ashes. So thoroughly burn any pieces that remain intact. Repeat this spell while burning any extra pieces of paper.

Optional Step: Repeat this spell for a week to give it more power.

Step 8: Then collect the ashes in your hand and either step outside or blow the pieces into the wind through a window.

Alternative to burning: if burning the paper isn't possible, rip the paper into pieces and bury it.

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