Wiccan Core Beliefs

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The main religion very closely associated with witchcraft is Wicca. This is mostly because of the saying that goes: "all Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccans."

This does not mean to say that Wiccans perform spells and rituals all the time. Many can go for months and years without the need to wield magick in such a manner; they simply worship the God and Goddess, living their lives wherever their path may take them. Some Wiccans will say that they don't even worship their deities, as this implies dependability. Instead, you'll find that some prefer to work with their deities rather than worship them.

In recent years, Neo-Wicca has become this sort of "pick and mix" religion where everyone seems to practise it freely, choosing not to abide by its core beliefs

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In recent years, Neo-Wicca has become this sort of "pick and mix" religion where everyone seems to practise it freely, choosing not to abide by its core beliefs. Wicca, by definition, is a mystery religion. The true names of the God and Goddess are kept secret by oath and are only known to a select few. That is why Traditional Wiccans get upset when they come across self-initiated Neo-Wiccans. Their paths are no less valid, but what they practise isn't true Wicca, and they shouldn't label themselves as True Wiccans.

I will quote an article from Spells of Magic to explain what I mean:

Once upon a time everyone knew what the core beliefs of Wicca were because everyone studied the same set of beliefs. But as Wicca has grown and expanded, things have changed. Some things have been added which have enriched the path. But often things have been taken away which change the subsequent journey into something no longer recognisable as Wicca.

Worse yet, it has come to the idea that Wicca is "whatever we want it to be". Things are added or removed on a whim, sort of like a buffet spirituality. As an example, I once encountered a person who wanted to know whether or not they could omit the God and Goddess from their path and still be considered Wiccan. Well no, you can't.

Wicca is a specific religion with specific beliefs and practices which make it Wicca and not something else entirely. While I do feel that change keeps us as a vital and living faith, I also feel that if you change the core beliefs and practices too radically what you are doing may be a valid Pagan path, but it is no longer Wicca.

The Core Beliefs of Wicca:

1. Wicca is a mystery religion.
2. Wiccans believe that Divinity is made manifest in both masculine and feminine forms.
3. Wiccans believe that the world was created and is maintained by the joining together of these two forms in the Sacred Marriage.
4. Wiccans believe that Divinity is immanent within the world, and therefore all that is is in some part Divine.
5. The dates for Wiccan observances are determined by the changing phases of the moon, and the turning of the seasons.
6. Wiccans hold a religious observance at the time of the full moon.
7. Wiccans believe that magic is efficacious when worked in the proper forms and setting as part of a Wiccan religious practice.
8. Wiccans believe that each person is able to experience direct contact with the Divine without a need for an intermediary.
9 A re-enactment (in some form) of the Sacred Marriage is a necessary part of Wiccan ritual.
10. The ethics and behaviour of Wiccans are guided by the Wiccan Rede.
11. Wiccans believe that the world will return to them the same sorts of energies they send out into the world.

I think it is important to consider seriously what constitutes the core of Wicca. The present tendency for people to think it can be "anything they want it to be" puts it in danger of becoming a meaningless term. Wicca is a specific path. If what it is is not to your taste there are other equally valid paths to chose from. Or one can create a path that is unique to yourself. But to try to apply the Wiccan label to something which is not what Wicca is all about is foolish and misleading. Labels are important because we must use them in order to communicate clearly. So choose to label what you do correctly.

Source: www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=248610

(I've added that link as the External Link for this part)

One source of the confusion has sprouted from popular books on the market, notably books by Scott Cunningham. A brilliant author with genuine works, he does make one, purposeful, error. He refers to witches, of any sort, as "Wiccans". This is a deliberate mistake in order for his books to sell better, since people are intimidated by the words "witch" and "witchcraft". The public is much more comfortable and open minded towards the idea of Wiccans practising Wicca, as opposed to witches practising witchcraft. But Wiccans and witches, in Cunningham's books, are one and the same. This is a very important thing to note, which has led to the belief that Wicca can be "anything you want it to be". This is not true. If you wish to call yourself Wiccan, do not take the term lightly. A true Wiccan is initiated by a traditional coven and sworn by oath to keep practices secret.

Most practitioners are okay if you call yourself Neo-Wiccan, as long as you understand and appreciate that True Wicca is a mystery religion, and you abide by all of Wicca's core beliefs (listed above).

If you truly feel that Wicca is the path for you, there is nothing wrong with calling yourself Wiccan. If you feel that you are Wiccan, you should consider joining a traditional coven, since very few True Wiccans are solitary practitioners.

If you really want to pursue the path of Wicca, these books are a good place to start:

"Wicca: A Year and a Day" by Timothy Roderick

"Wicca for Beginners" by Thea Sabin

You might also like to take a look at a thread on resources for beginners at www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=500751

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