Tools: Wand

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The wand plays the most prominent role in ritual and spells, after the athame. Seen in movies and TV shows featuring wizards and magicians, the wand has a true magical purpose as a director of energy and instrument of invocation. Its primary use is to invoke the god and goddess, and also guide magickal energy.

It usually represents the element of fire, but may represent air in some traditions (e.g. Alexandrian Wicca). Some witches use a large staff instead of a wand, or use both.

It can also be used to draw magical symbols in the ground, stir brew in a cauldron, or point towards danger whilst balanced in a witch's palm.

The wand should be used in the dominant hand when calling upon or addressing spirits/deities, and then switched to the non-dominant hand when dismissing them.

Wand Characteristics

Wands come in all shapes and sizes, but a few features are common:

· Length of the wand usually equals the distance from your finger tips to your elbow
· It is as straight as possible
· It is made of wood that has been sanded smooth and any nubs removed
· The shape of the wand is tapered slightly at the top

Making a wand

Although you can buy a wand, they are very simple to make. Homemade wands are also more powerful.

1. Go for a walk and pick up fallen twigs/branches. If you cut the wood from a tree, visit the tree during a full moon and ask for its permission to cut the twig and then thank the tree for its gift.
2. Allow the wood to dry out completely, then use a sharp knife to whittle off any buds, twigs, or nubs. Strip off the bark, and taper the tip slightly. Sand the wood smooth.
3. Decorate the wand. You can stain the wand, add a varnish or lacquer. Many people attach a crystal to the tips, carve magical symbols into the shaft and attach charms and feathers. You can also wrap the wand in leather.
4. When the wand is complete, bless and consecrate it.

Wands can also be made out of metal, but don't use iron if you want to practise faery magick

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Wands can also be made out of metal, but don't use iron if you want to practise faery magick. Iron deters faeries.

Broom closet tip: for kitchen witches and dwellers of the broom closet, wands can also simply be a decorated wooden spoon.

Broom closet tip: for kitchen witches and dwellers of the broom closet, wands can also simply be a decorated wooden spoon

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More info about the wand:

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