Tools: Chalice

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The chalice represents the goddess, fertility and the element of water. Its primary purpose is to hold a libation that will be offered during a magic ritual. It has a secondary role as the representation of the goddess in a symbolic Great Rite. Although the chalice is traditionally a goblet, some witches use an ale flagon instead.

Manifesting Abundance

If you have a permanent altar, keep a chalice full of water on it to bring abundance into your life. Refill it regularly to maintain the correct energy.

Charged chalice water

In healing spells, you can boost the energy by drinking charged chalice water.

1.       Light a white candle and fill the chalice with water.
2.     Hold the tip of the athame/wand over the chalice.
3.    Imagine a stream of white energy coming through your head, then through your hand, and finally out of the tip of your wand/athame. This is goddess energy.
4.    Say "Goddess, bless these waters for healing. Imbue the water with your cleansing energy, that it may wash away all that blocks my health."
5.    Continue with the rest of the spell.

Broom closet tip: unlike a cauldron, chalices are easier to substitute. They can be anything you can get hold of that holds water; glasses, tea cups, jam jars etc. Try not to use plastic though; there's nothing magical about plastic!

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