Consecration Ritual

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From "The Witch's Journal" by Selene Silverwind.

After cleansing a tool, you may choose to consecrate (bless) it on the next new or full moon before you use it. 

Consecrating tools is recommended for beginners, or after a tool has been used by someone else, or after it has been neglected for a while. Whenever you feel it needs reconsecrating, use this consecration ritual.

Step 1: Set up the ritual space, then cast a sacred circle.

Step 2: Invoke the god and goddess, saying: "Great Mother, Great Father, I ask you both to join me as I consecrate this [tool] for magical work."

Step 3: Light the candle and sage/incense, then place your hands on the tool and say: "I consecrate this [tool] for magical purposes. It is released from all worldly energy and carries the energy of the elements."

Step 4: Pass it over the candle flame, saying: "By the fire, it is blessed."
Pass it through the smoke/incense, saying: "By the air, it is blessed."
Sprinkle salt water on it, saying: "By the earth and water, it is blessed."

Step 5: Place your hands on the tool again and say: "I consecrate this [tool] for magical purposes. May it bring me transformation, health, and wisdom. This [tool] is consecrated by all the elements and by the will of the gods. An' it harm none, so mote it be."

Step 6: Thank the god and goddess for joining you and then release them, saying: "Farewell and blessed be."

Step 7: Let the candle and sage/incense burn down.

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