Tarot Contemplation Ritual

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To learn what each card of a tarot deck means to you, use this contemplation ritual. Conduct this ritual once per day.

This was adapted from Donald Kraig's "Modern Magick".

Step 1: Take the Major Arcana from the deck, and set the Minor Arcana aside (you won't need it until you have contemplated all of the Major Arcana).

Step 2: Immediately after completing the relaxation ritual, take Major Arcana and mix them up (shuffle them) in any manner you desire until you feel it is time to stop.

Step 3: Select any one card and look at the picture on it for no more than three minutes.

Step 4: Take three deep breaths and the Tarot contemplation ritual is complete.

Step 5: Record the card name and number in your magickal diary. Also record any feelings, sensations or ideas you received while looking at (contemplating) the card.

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