-Contact Me Spell-

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Warning: Depending on your views, this spell may count as manipulating free will. I cast this spell before realising this (it was like my first ever spell), so I probably won't cast this again. But it's totally up to you if you're cool with it.

This spell is used to encourage someone to call/message you.

This spell was adapted from www.spellsofmagic.com at www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/love_spells/phone_spells/5936/page.html

(I've added that link as the External Link for this part)

Possible substitutes will have an asterisk (*)

You will need:

> a clear, relaxed state of mind
> parchment paper *regular paper
> pen (with blue ink) *pencil
> a needle *cocktail stick, *a pair of compasses, *anything small and sharp
> visualisation
> meditation
> An appropriate time and place to perform the spell. Can be     performed on any day in the hour of Mercury. If in doubt, perform it at     midnight during a waxing or full moon, in a place where you are unlikely to be disturbed.

Step 1: Cast a circle and call the quarters (if desired, but recommended for inexperienced witches). Invite the deity you have chosen to join you. Use words like "[Deity], god(dess) of [goal], please join me on this night as I intend to contact [name]. Please lend me your power so that I may receive what I seek." A good example of a deity would be Hermes/Mercury, god of communication.

Step 2: Take the piece of paper and write the name of the person you wish to hear from. Write it in a circle twice (or as many times at it takes), so the ends meet. As you do this, concentrate on the person's face and your desire for them to contact you.

Step 3: While still concentrating, put the needle through the centre of the circle created by the name. (You may want to say a few words asking the deity to help you, followed by "...and it harm none, so mote it be."). Place the charm by the phone/mobile device.

Step 4: Concentrate on the person and meditate after.

Step 5: After the spell is successful, thank the deity who helped you. I felt the need to burn the parchment after the spell had worked, but I don't think this is necessary. Do whatever feels right.

NOTES: It is said that the call will come within 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 5 days, depending on how well the spell was cast and how much will power was used. For me, it took 28 days (exactly one lunar cycle, rather coincidentally) to work.

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