Types of Spells

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Spellwork can be anything from reciting a quick charm, making potions, to performing whole rituals.

There are several types of spells, and some spells don't fall rigidly into any category, but the main types of spell are ritual, charm, and potion/elixir/pouch.

Potion/elixir/pouch is self-explanatory; the goal in this kind of spell is to make a potion, oil, tea, poppet, or something else, etc.

A charm is a very quick spell consisting of only a few lines said out loud. 99% of the time, no tools are used and there's no need for a magic circle.

A ritual spell goes more in-depth, usually starts with the casting of a magic circle and calling the quarters. A ritual can use many tools or only a few, and can last for anywhere between 10 minutes and a few hours, or maybe a few days for the most elaborate ones.

Purpose of spells

The purpose of spells falls into 4 main categories: blessing, honouring, manifesting, and banishing.

Manifesting: The most common purpose of spells is manifesting. This is when you want to bring something in to your life, or attract something into your life. These should be performed between the new and full moon, but there can be exceptions.

Banishing: The opposite of manifesting. This is when you want something out of your life, when you want to get rid of something. Banishing spells usually require black colours; but it's not black magic. Banishing can be a very good thing, whether it's to get rid of a harmful person, or maybe your own self-doubt and fear. These spells should be performed between the full and new moon.

Blessing: If something new has come into your life, like you bought a new house, had a baby or simply bought a new candle for your altar, a blessing spell is appropriate. For small objects, a simple blessing charm will do. Blessings should be performed between new and full moons.

Honouring: These are reserved for the gods, the moon, special holidays or the deceased. They can be used to thank the gods involved in a spell, or celebrate something. These rituals can be performed at any moon phase.

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