Ground & Centre

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Summary: The article below is a bit word-heavy so I'll provide a summary. If you need more detail, just read the rest below.

Grounding and centring is the most fundamental practice of working with magick. It's almost impossible to cast a spell or divinate without first being both grounded and centred.

Groundedness is the awareness of the physical world around you and your presence within in it. Awareness of the physical world keeps us from being swept away by our irrational thoughts and inner experiences of the moment. Instead, we become able to experience these feelings with a balanced and unbiased awareness that is both objective and subjective.

Being grounded gives us the energy we need to conduct spells and divination. If you're feeling drowsy after just one short spell or divination session, chances are you weren't grounded sufficiently. The Earth is the largest energy source of psychic energy, so we ground in order to take on its energy instead of purely using our own.

Most people ground with meditation, but you can also ground by making direct contact with the Earth with your feet. Studies have shown that direct contact with the Earth is very good for you mental health. It's left scientists baffled, but we know why it works!

 It's left scientists baffled, but we know why it works!

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You don't just have to ground through the earth. It's also possible to ground through the other elements; water, fire, and air.

Being centred means to be focused on the task at hand. You ignore anything you have to do later, and anything in the past that's bothering you. When you are centred, you are simply focused on, and existing in, this current moment. This is extremely important for spell casting and divination, as thinking about if you left your hair straighteners on at home disrupts the energy that you need.

Please note: the article below is not my own words, this was taken from an article that can be found here:

(I've added that link as the External Link for this part)

"Ground and Centre" is certainly the most fundamental technique in practicing Magick. Spells and rituals are most effective when an individual participates with a stable and focused frame of mind. We call that frame of mind "Grounded and Centred."

Ritual experiences are both psychic and psychological. This means that Ground and Centre exercises must be oriented on both levels. The Tree exercise focuses your mind on a concrete image, then guides your psyche to a Grounded and centred state. The image of the tree evokes feelings of stability and connectedness with the Earth, when these feelings and images are focused upon, the associated psychic state follows right along. This may take some practice, but with diligence I'm sure you'll find Ground and Centre for yourself.

Being grounded means that you have established a firm connection with the physical world. The largest physical object that each of us experiences throughout our entire life is beneath our feet, the Earth. Focusing on the Earth makes us more aware of the physical world that surrounds us. Awareness of the physical world keeps us from being swept away by the subjective feelings and inner experiences of the moment. Instead, we become able to experience these feelings with a balanced awareness that is both objective and subjective.

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