Christian Witchcraft / Christo-Paganism

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In this chapter I am going to discuss how you can combine Christianity with witchcraft and paganism. It's a long read (I have a lot of options to take you through) but well worth it if you are seriously considering combining these paths in any way. This chapter is basically a transcript of a YouTube video I made, so any links/resources I mention can be found in the description of the video embedded below:

Let's begin...

I'll admit that I don't identify myself as a Christian witch or a Christian pagan, but as I grew up in a Christian household and I began my interest in witchcraft, being a Christian witch or a Christian Wiccan was something I considered for a long time, so I feel confident enough to discuss this topic and give out advice about it.

Just FYI, I didn't grow up in the Catholic scene, so I cannot give specific or overly accurate advice about Catholic Witchcraft, only what I have read from others on the internet. If you're interested in Catholic witchcraft then check out these resources:

I know this is a controversial topic, but I'm going to speak my own truth and what you choose to believe is totally up to you. If this doesn't resonate with you, that's okay, and if it does and you find it helpful, that's great. Ultimately I want this chapter to provide understanding & insight rather than breeding more fear & ignorance.

This topic is important to me because I know that a lot of witches are in the broom closet because they live among Christians, so having the option to combine witchcraft & paganism with Christianity can make for a good compromise, or allow friends and family to be more accepting.

I'm going to cover 3 main topics; Christian witchcraft, Christo-Paganism, and Christian Wicca. These terms have a lot of overlap and defining them is a personal matter, but in this chapter I am going to treat them as distinct terms from each other, so I can cover different topics in manageable chunks. The things I discuss in the Christo-Paganism and Christian Witch sections will also be useful to a Christian Wiccan, and vice versa, so I recommend that you read the whole thing if you are considering blending witchcraft, paganism and Christianity.

Let's take a step back for a second so we can be on the same page; I define the following terms as:
> witch: anyone who practices witchcraft
> witchcraft: the art and science of working with magick
> magick: it's subjective, but I like to define it as using your will and intention to purposefully create influences on the universe, and to manipulate the subconscious to create change in the greater consciousness.
> pagan: anyone who does not follow the main world religions or Abrahamic religions, and subscribes a set of pre-Christian beliefs & practices such as nature worship, animism, and polytheism.

I know those are rather broad definitions, but that is how I like to define them. So now you understand where I'm coming from when I'm talking about witches, witchcraft, and magick.

Witchcraft & Christianity

Being a Christian witch means that you are first and foremost a Christian, and you also practice witchcraft. Since witchcraft is a skill or a practice, it is not in of itself religious. Therefore, theoretically, witchcraft can be practised in conjunction with any religion.

I define a Christian Witch to be someone who practices witchcraft but does not necessarily subscribe to any of the Wiccan or Pagan beliefs & practices. For example, during a spell, a Christian Witch would call upon solely God or Jesus to aid in their work, whereas someone like a Christian Wiccan may call upon both the God & Goddess.

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