Numerology and I Ching

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There are a lot of concepts binding with numerology. The divination of I Ching is surrounded by numbers and the ideas of yin and yang.

I Ching is formulated by lines. If the line is not broken it symbolizes Yang and broken lines represent Yin. The combination of both Yin and Yang is what gives you a trigram.

The eight trigrams occur naturally in pairs; they mirror each other

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The eight trigrams occur naturally in pairs; they mirror each other. Number four and number eight are both very gentle.

As you can see in I Ching, numerology is influenced by 1-8.

If you look at the image the number one which is Heaven or Sky is called Chi'en. It represents achievement, creativity, logic, courage focused energy and identity, along with success and confidence.

K'un which is number two is Earth. Shows acceptance, receptivity, consideration, intuition, patience and nurturing.

Number three is Li which is Fire. Which gives off the energy of clarity, communication and creativity.

Number four is K'an which is water or the Abyss. This represents feeling, tuning in one's emotion, danger and hardship.

Next is Chen which is thunder - this represents seed of new life, surprise, and has a strong male energy afflicted to it. Chen represents the number 5.

Number Six is the Sun which offers gentle but determined progress, flexibility, justice and endurance. Sun represents Wind or wood.

Ken is number seven which symbolizes the mountain. It offers vision, stillness, withdrawal and silence.

Lastly, is Tui which shows off the energy of the lake. Dreams, magic, pleasure, healing are found in this symbol.

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