Obsidian death shadow

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When we entered the kitchen we were given a slight shock at what we were greeted by... The other two advanced squads sat at one long table next to one another talking idly to one another. "Oh about time your squad arrived Drew we were beginning to wonder if you would ever show up." Sam teased me because I would always give his squad hell for being late to practice at 51.

"Oh hush. I ain't in the mood Sam. So! This is dinner ya? Because if I was lied to someone namely a certain docter will get an ear full from me." I quirped back light heartedly as we took our seats next to the others. "Anyways when did you guys get here?" asking the rest of the dragons in the room.

"Well we got here about an hour ago, and after a quick tour of the facility we were dropped off here. We still dont know where our barracks are." a soft spoken female silver dragon spoke up diagonal from where I was sitting.

"Ahh alright I can tell you guys that if your barracks are half as nice as ours we all are in awsome shape here." John spoke up as Sam and I discussed some vague mission reports to one another.

The doors on the left wall suddenly burst open as Dr. Chris and several high officers carrying briefing folders. We snapped to attention, but I couldn't stop the huffed sigh from escaping my mouth as they came to the head of the table and took their seats in leather office chairs. "At ease," we took our seats again "Now as you all know there have been murders ever since the genisis of this program now codenamed firestorm, and we are well aware that it sounds stupid... We didn't come up with it. The reason you have been summoned here is of some of the utmost importance of this entire project. The newest assignement of all of your squads is to hunt down and eradicate the DES. They are already familiar enemies of Alpha squad. They are a specialized organization which are trying to kill all dragons in existance, and that is unacceptable for our cause. So welcome to the birthplace of death shadow platoon commissioned on January 14, 2014." the lead officer announced catching all of us by surprise.

"Sir, with all due respect. If this is a formidable a group as we suspect... Then why send in dragons to kill dragon hunters is seams like a suicide mission to me. Also how will we even find any of their opratives if they are all well keyed into the workings of the government and even this project?" Sam spoke up with a respectfully questioning tone.

"Exellent question. If you all will turn to the projection dispay that is coming up now. We will explain." another stated gesturing to the projection screen decending from the ceiling. As the image lmage cleared Dr. Cris then spoke up.

"The answer is simple we have a trusted oprative of our own infiltrate and hand off information to us via a secure broadband. Once we have that we then send all of you, or more than likely just one or two of you to get in and kill each of them off one by one. It won't be a fast process that is for sure, but it is the most effective route of action until we dissertain where the location of their head quarters is. Sadly some of our own probably will perish on this mission." he finished solemnly fixating his gaze on the tiled floor.

"One more thing before you all may get your meals... According to our data bases you all were killed in action on your last mission after its completion, sacrificing yourselves to protect all the agents accompanying you. With that said you all will recieve new names to use when out on your missions. Understood?" the first man snapped stiffening his pose as the second passed out briefing folders to each of us present.

Once everyone had theirs infront of them the Officers and Doctor left the room from where they had came from. Almost instantly we were opening our folders to read out our combat names, glancing over the material inside my eyes came to rest on one word that I would come to be known by , I felt myself speak it aloud as if almost testing what it sounded like. As i whispered "Obsidian," to myself.

To my surprise it slid through my lips with relative ease which consequently made an evil grin spread across my face. I saw other reactions though and not all were happy with what they got saddled with as a code name. Another pair of double doors opened leading into the kitchen a couple seconds later ready for us to collect our evening meals. Taking my folder I tucked it inside my tactical vest and headed into the opposing room with others both infront and behind me falling into single file.

Inside the kitchen serving line were several staff members manning a multitude of serving stations, each with a different type of food. For the first time we were being offered friut and vegetables not just a certain kind of meat. After my initial serving of beef I grabbed as many granny smith apples as I could fit onto my small tray quickly followed by carrots and a small pepper to put my taste buds to the test.

"Dude, you aren't going to just eat that ghost pepper raw are you? I swear if you die because of it then let me be the first to warn you!" an extremely cautious James stated ready to pour a gallon of milk down my throat if I couldn't handle the heat. Shrugging off what he said I popped the mini pepper into my mouth and processed the amount of heat it was putting out before swallowing.

"Eh, it wasn't as bad as i though it was gonna be... Anyway time to dig into all of these apples!" I announced obnoxiously before grabbing two and eating both at once in a huge bite, and the monent I had registered the sweetly sour taste I could not help but let out an approving hum.

Soon after we had finished our meals my squad headed back to our barracks to decompress and get some well deserved rest from our last mission without being jostled about in a rickety trailer for days on end. The moment I had opened the door everyone instantly made a route directly to their beds' while I took a slightly more leisurely pace back to my own. I waited until everyone was comfortable before speaking up.

"Window open or closed?"

"I say open, we need the light to see where we are going should we need to get up." John's now groggy voice stated.

"I second" Jacoline mumbled already almost asleep in her bed.

With that I flipped the switch to open the widow panes to our view, and consecutively turned out the interior lights. The twighlight drifted lazily into our room like the world outside was lit ablaze by an unknown fire source. After looping myself into a ball in a corner of my huge matress I splayed my wings and was soon asleep thankful to be positive for once that I could sleep in peace knowing everyone was safe for the time being.

A/n: Okay there its updated :-) drop a comment if you feel like critiquing my grammer because I really like to fix what I do poorly or vote if you think it wasn't too bad. Later guys. :D

WHO ARE WE? Dragons or People? (Genesis)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora