Trailer Travel

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It was a rather bumpy ride on the dirt roads leading out of the government property, though it was probably just to keep people from wanting to go any closer. Finally a half-hour later following an extremely large bump in our trek, we were on pavement, and I don't think I had been happier after being slammed into the side of the trailer multiple times.

Madison had fallen asleep practically the moment we were on the actual road. Her body rose and fell peacefully in the rhythm of her breathing. small whisps of smoke escaped her nose as she rested. This had to be the first time I actually took a couple moments to acknowledge what we all look like when asleep, It was actually almost a entrancing to watch. After a couple minutes I turned my thoughts inward as I looked towards the front of the trailer.

How could we go back to our families looking like this? could we actually even go back to them at all? And why is it that on almost every mission we have gone on that when we return to base there is one or more people missing from our team... I swear that if something happens here I am going to completely devour the persons responsible leaving nothing but pieces here and there and some blood. I Won't let anything happen to my draconic family.

"Drew are you alright? You look like you are ready to be sick..." Madison's sleepy voice broke my concentration from those overly desturbing thoughts I was mulling over.

" Ya I'm fine just reminiscing on some not so fond memories from these past months." I remarked back to her. "Did you have a good nap?" I poceeded to keep the conversation going.

"It was alright. No nightmares, no dreams. however I guess that can be a blessing in disguise. My mom always said that it was better to not have any dream than to have a bad one, because it meant God was protecting me from those tortures... and You know I have prayed to see her again every night here." She replied with a tear starting to form at the corner of her eye.

"I can definitely sympathize with you there... I can't wait to get home and hold my family in my arms again, and to get first chair for my senior year in orchestra." I replied sighing.

"Wait were you in the orchestra competition in new york city?" She asked in disbelief.

" Uh ya we came second out of all the schools there... why?" I responded back utterly confused.

" Well I was in the one that came in first place from Maine. Where are you from any way Drew?" She inquired her head tilting slightly.

" Pittsburgh Pennsylvania just five miles out of the city... John, James, and myself are all from there. Which having our mission there is kind of a slap in the face if you ask me cause it is reminding us that its where we came from, and we could just stop on by our homes but we can't. Anyway we can deal even being there can be good enough, but I want to know a bit more about you young lady... so Your family consists ooofff?" I coaxed leading on for a reply.

" It has my mom and dad, my older brother, and younger sister. mom is a waitress, my dad is on active duty in Israel being a body guard for U.S relations... My brother can be really strict when he's had a bad day, but is really just a big teddy bear underneath, and my sister is just plain annoying but what do I expect from a seven year old." she looked beyond me as if to recollect the picture of her loved ones with a smile.

"You know I don't pray to see my family again anymore." I was cut short with a glare from my travel partner.

" HOW COULDN'T YOU!!! They are the ones who we should be fighting to get back to at all times regardless our own peril!" She practically roared me out the side of the trailer.

" I wasn't finished... I don't pray for that anymore, because I doubt if i will ever to get back to them again... so I pray for their safety and happiness and only a chance to see them again." I replied calmly looking directly at her.

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