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A sudden horn sounded snapping me out of my sleep sending my body up into attention before my brain even registered what was happening. All the others were similar in their movements as we awaited the officer inspection. The door was kicked in violently as our original general walked in the door. "ah its good to be back... now you have 30min. for food, and 20 minutes to pack and be at the tarmac for the rest of the flight to the states. no worries we will be taking c-130's in stead of the galaxies. have fun..." his smile wicked and teeth glaring from behind aged lips. he left just as quick as he entered.

after a few seconds i couldn't help but speak up " is it just me or has he already managed for me to already want to rip his throat out..." my voice going to a low growl.

"what do you have against him?" asked one of the soldiers from the back of the barracks.

"well quick question. have you ever been shot?" i asked as i got closer to him.

"Only once and i never want to relive that pain... why do you ask?" the strength in his voice left him as i stood in front of him, and i glared at him directly in the eyes.

"Alright this makes it easier to explain then. imagine that pain repeated hundreds if not thousands of times while you were hundreds of miles from home as a sixteen year old with his face the reason of it all... now you all know why we don't flinch when shot... because that man caused us so much pain nothing can ever compare to it." My hatred burned itself out quickly and I apologized to the grunt " sorry for snapping. The lack of sleep, and hunger probably have me on edge... speaking of which lets go eat.

The mess hall seamed different that morning than that of all the other places. this one was quiet and not many people at all. gathering up our food and scarfing them down quickly we packed up what little gear we had left from the wreckage of the galaxy and went for the tarmac. the three planes sat there on the pavement with the props starting to turn ever so slightly for preparation of the flight.

walking up the cargo ramp we took our seats slash mats for the remaining 15 hour trip back to the states. A quick head count was made for everyone's attendance on out plane before we got the okay from the general to depart as he rode with his self proclaimed best squad of dragons in another plane.

staring out the window at the clouds and ocean beneath us the ride was surprisingly smooth with little to no turbulence. eventually all the others fell asleep including all the soldiers it was peaceful but I was the only one looking as the sun began to set over the ocean. the long red and orange rays shooting off in every direction. it was nice seeing that, but as the hours droned on my eyes too fell heavy and sleep over took me.

when my eyes opened next we were starting our descent down into area 51. the murky morning twilight shedding a low light onto the basin compound. down below us there were a few hundred dashes moving around the area.

when the tires hit the ground we were all ready to relax again and do some sharpening of skills before our next tour of duty. the bay doors opened allowing two officers to step onto the plane."Alright soldiers follow Pattersen, dragons follow me." said the first of the two. we did as commanded following him we entered into one of the large auditoriums and escorted to the stage into role call order.

A captain came in a few minutes later with a group of others holding what looked to be pillows. as they neared the stage I realized that there were medals on the pillows making me straighten myself to more regal stance. "when I call your name you will step forward and receive your medal or promotion and then return to the line until everyone has gone." said the officer that had brought us in. looking up and down the line everyone had an excitement about them, but one stood out among them. his smug face and cocky attitude told me that he was probably the other general's favorite.

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