Shaun a little sneak.

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I was reawakened a couple of hours later with Madison shifting under and out from my wing." You alright now?" I asked.

"Ya just another nightmare. I'll head back to my bed before the officers come in and pull the pistols."the last part almost in a whisper.she got up and moved back over to her bed I followed bid her a good night then went outside for some fresh air. The dark skies of night had always helped me think and sort through my thoughts. The Hawaiian sky was different then in the states. The same constellations just millions more lighting the way.

A sound far to my right caught my attention just a small gasp. The unnatural sound of a small child when surprised.walking over to the area I heard it I found nothing but a scent trail and a set of fresh footprints going into the brush. Turning away to go back towards the barracks a glint on the ground caught my interest this time.moving the leaves away I found a silver necklace with a single pearl on it. Feeling bad for the child who lost it I went into the brush following the scent and foot prints.

After fifteen minutes or so I found a hut in the woods where the footsteps ended at the door. Comming close to the hut as possible all lights were out, and all were asleep but a squirming child. Dropping the necklace in front of the door I turned around and went back into the brush. After ten yards in the door opened and a small squeal of excitement came. Smiling I continued on then heard the voice say just barely audible "thank you black knight for this back. You were really cool." I had a giant grin on my face as I continued my walk back. When I was half way in between I let out a large deep roar just to have some fun.

Making it back inside about one a.m.I went straight to sleep into my bunk like nothing had happened.


after only a couple of hours of sleep the officers came in and blew a trumpet blast to wake us up. shooting up like a rockets we grabbed our duffel bags and headed for the cafeteria.where the regular meal would be given to us and the soldiers. halfway through the coocked beef the entire room all heads turned to see a private come through the doors dragging the same child from the night before. the soldier then raised his voice for every one to here" i found this little runt out by the dragons barracks. i think i have the perfect punnishment for him too." he said pulling a pistol holding it to the kids legs" this way he cant come snooping again."

" whoa whoa whao! what the hell soldier he is just a kid let him be!" i hollared over the crowd of people.

" Make me lizard!" he shouted back pointing the pistol at me now.

" just calm down and hand him over to the general for punishment." trying to get reason back into that guys head as I moved closer to neutralize him if need be.

" what the general doesnt now wont hurt him. go to hell you sick scaley beast." he said before firing four shots directly at my head. they found their mark but after being shot so many times at area51 the pain felt like meer flicks. knowing the situation wasnt goin to get better I went up to him grabbed the gun and ripped it free.scrabbling to his feet he went over to the child who was trying to crawl away,and yanked him to his feet by his hair.

The man then took out his knife and held it at the kids throat. Acting on impulse I turned as if defeated still in range of the man,and swung my tail hard at his head. Hearing the satisfying sound of him hit the floor unconscious. Going over to the kid I said " your welcome for last night I know how much that is important to you. My real name is actually Drew, and I want you to have something under two conditions. First you tell me your name and second you can't tell anyone about what happened here. Understood?"

His voice came back saying"my name is Shaun ,and I promise to God above that I won't tell anyone." 

"Good now I want you to put this on that necklace from last night alright?"I said lifting my wing and pulling out one of the damaged scales from the blast back at Area51. Underneath it was a brand new jet black scale just like the others. Handing the hard as titanium peice to Shaun" here something to remember us by."

"Oh!thank you so much I will put it on just as you requested!" He said before darting out the door back up towards his hut. Going outside I hollered after him" goodbye Shaun and be safe!"returning inside I saw the soldier being dragged away in hand cuffs.'serves him right ' I thought as I went to finish my meal.

After two hours the C-130's were fueled and ready for take off to south Korea. Boarding the aircraft I looked back one last time and saw that same little face peaking out from behind a bunker before he darted into the undergrowth. Smiling the door closed and we were strapped in for a very long journey across the Pacific ocean.

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