One call home

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After the first hour of climbing to the cruising altitude we could finally move around out of the restraints than we had on.I moved closer to the hatch in the back of the plane by the soldiers. I relaxed on the floor listening in on what they were saying.I caught most of what they were saying. That a large meteorite hit Russia only a few weeks back. At first they thought that the U.S was behind it telling north Korea to launch a large nuclear missile just shy of the Hawaiian shore as a warning. We were now the response to prevent nuclear war. Although Russia has since then realized the true cause of the chaos. However Korea still is ready to launch and we must keep that from happening at all costs.

Once they noticed me listening in they shut up real quick. "Oh please don't stop on my account I ain't gonna tattle on you guys." They were taken aback from me actually talking. I guess that the others must not have talked on the way to area fifty 0ne. "So what's this about a meteor hitting Russia?" I continued.

Finally one of them got a hold on their toung and returned" they say it was about the size of four football fields. They told the Koreans to be on high alert for anymore attacks from the U.S."

"Oh alright so that's why we are going there our briefing file was well brief and missing a lot of details."I said

"How old are you you don't sound old enough to be here."one of them said.

"I am actually only sixteen. So no none of us should be here even before the transformation."smiling weakly.

"Wait you were humans.all of you were?"

"Well Ya we are oldest ones most of the others are early teens down to only six years old.The organization works for the government to produce a skilled killing machine." Their mouths were ajar in fear and amazement.

"So how did you become like that?" The one closest to the hatch said.

"Its a long story. You might want to get comfortable." They quickly nodded and sprawled out on the hard ground in front of I began from the beginning telling them all the details all the way up to getting on the large aircraft.

"Man I would never want to be in your position right now. Man that must have been hell for you guys."they started talking once more among themselves so I got up and headed back to my friends in the front. Once I made it to them I gave a slight nod to them and lied down next to the small window. Focusing on the horizon I slowly drifted off to sleep.


It must have been at least six hours that I was asleep. Because the sun was starting to set and we were ordered back into our uncomfortable restraints. The cargo plane carrying us slowly drifted beneath the clouds to see a beautiful main island of Hawaii. We continued our decent till the tires screeched on the run way.unlocking ourselves and grabbing a small duffle bag that they had given us we exited the plane.

There was almost nobody at the military air port where we landed.surveying the area we followed the soldiers to an aircraft hanger. Inside was a small band of officers as if on auto pilot we lined up single file for inspection. They silently observed us taking in every detail that they could about us. The highest ranked officer came forward and said as he walked down the line" You might not be coming back alive." He said with careing eyes "So against protecall we all have agreed to let all of you have one phone call home before leaving. Even dragons you may call ,but you must not say a word about this mission. Understood!?" We gave a quick"YES SIR!!"

Walking to a more secluded part of the air field I pulled out my phone and selected my house's number.the dial sound came several times before a familiar voice picked up the phone his voice weary and depressed. "Hello?"

"Hey it's me can you put mom on the phone its important."I said to his the background I could hear Jake's voice panicked stricken with me on the phone. A couple of moments later another voice came over the receiver.

"Hello who is this? My son had you confused with his older brother who's been missing for some time now. Any who how can I help you?" My mom said.

"Jake wasn't confused mom it is me. Now before you start asking questions I cannot tell you where I am what I am doing or who I'm with understood?"I said before she could say anything else

"Drew!?how are you alive police thought you gone a long time ago."

"Can't say. Look I'm in deep and am gonna be gone for at least four years, but once I'm released I'll come home you guys. Tell the others that... and hey send as many prayers as you can from church. Gonna need every last one of them for what these people are making us do,I'll be home eventually remember."

I got sobs from the other end" Just promise to come home alive. That's all I ask."

"Hey don't cry now mama. I'll try but I can't guarantee that I can do that...."

"Hey Magot come on just about time to go!"

"Be right there hold your horses!"

"Hey I have to go mom love you hopefully see you later.bye"

"Love you too Drew."she said as I was just about to hang up and started sobbing again.hanging up I put the cell phone back into the duffel bag,and walked back to the hanger. Inside the officers were waiting to escort us to our barracks for the night. Inside the barracks they were more cramped,but would do for the night.

Getting into one of the bunks I starred off into space till I heard a familiar song come from an iPhone one of the soldiers had. Most of us couldn't help but sing along "Tonight we are young. So we set the world on fire and burn it higher than the sun tonight." We continued for about half an hour before they turned it off and climbed into bed also. One of them hit the lights and most of us were asleep instantly.including me finally sleeping soundly once able to escape the nightmares that haunted us.

Some hours later I woke up to Madison next to my bed looking scared and very tired I'm guessing the nightmares weren't so merciful on her. Without a word I scooted over close to the wall so she could lay down beside me. We did this often at area fifty one when we could not and her had grown very close even though we knew almost nothing about each other. That didn't stop me from putting a protective wing over her shaking body.she calmed down her breathing slowed down and she slept... soon after sleep also found me and I continued the outrageous dream I was having before I was woken.

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