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One week after the news of what had happened at area 51. Most of us were now being more paranoid than usual, especially around the agents of the facility. And there was good reason to be also... After a team had examined what had happened at 51 they determined that it was several of the humans that were unaccounted for in the body count that had caused the mass slaughter, or at least had helped in the planning and execution of their plan.

Most of the recruits had heard the news through the rumor mill, but we never acknowledged what happened when they brought it up. At the moment they should have been training and not worried about affairs off base. That was the commanding officer's job. My recruits had become much faster since they arrived, and were equipped with the basics of close quarter combat. More so than the other units were at least. However they lacked decent fire abilities and their flying still needed work. The more time I spent with them the more i realized how rambunctious they were all the time.

The reasoning behind my concerns about their fighting abilities had nothing to do with what happened at area fifty one at all; but more so to do with the sparing match between James and my squads that day. His brutish squad were the bullies of the groups, and regardless of what James said they rarely listened to him. Though I had my doubts on how tough they actually were seeing as all they did all day was lie around and look for mischief.

"Come on! I know you all have another three in you!" I yelled while they tried to hit me with even a lick of their fire. Everything around us for fifty yards was ablaze except for the spot where i was standing. "You have to predict my movements before I make them. Make me turn into it by mistake." I said while the brother and sister pair opened their mouths preparing to launch fire balls at me. Looking down the line none of them were analyzing the situation for what I could see. They were all just firing blind and hoping for some lucky shot.

All of them except the black and silver girl that ate at my table. She was nowhere to be found. The siblings lobbed their flaming rocks at me which i dodged easily followed by some slick foot work to weasel out of the way of the other's flame goutes. Suddenly I felt heat slam into the back of my head mid dodge as fire enveloped my head.

After giving the order to cease fire I turned around to see a small black and silver log laying on the ground ten feet behind me mostly obscured by the smoke. "That was a nice hit by the way. Had it been a person they would have been dead instantly. Okay guys it break time go get some water, relax and be ready for your sparring match in half and hour."

Walking over to my tactical vest I took off while training I slid it back on and drew a colt .45 from a small holster. Turning back to my squad I said "so I don't think any of you have been shot yet. Here's the thing though. If you know what you're doing and by some miracle of god you never get shot while in battle. Great! And more power to ya. However that will never be the case. You will take hits and they are going to hurt like hell until you get used to them. So who wants to feel hell for the first time? No one? Wow that's a first. Usually everyone's hand is in the air whenever i mention anything else... Fine then the one who got the hit on me during practice. You will first shoot me anywhere you like... And then I will shoot you in your tail. Fair enough?" she stiffened up but nodded with certainty.

Tossing the pistol to her she snatched it from the air and pointed it at me. "Up on your rear legs." she said with a cold entertainment about it. Sighing I did it and a few seconds later she fired and hit the softer scales just above the area that should never be hit. Grunting at the dull aching that that shot cost me I caught the pistol as she threw it back.

Walking over to her without a word I raised the barrel of the gun at the base of her tail. Within six inches is considered point blank but I pushed so it actually touched and then pulled the trigger. She dropped to the ground like a block of lead, and the scream that ensued made it seem like I cut her tail off. However she muffled it by clenching her jaw and digging her claws into the ground. "Take it easy. The first one it always the worst. The reason I did that now is so that you aren't laying in the middle of a war zone doing exactly what you just did. You would be dead faster than you could have tensed your jaw. Now who is next?" Turning my attention to the others who were in shock at what I had just done. They all backed up slightly in fear of what had happened to the other girl.

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