To The Borderlands

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As the night enveloped us in darkness and security I swiveled my head slightly to ask my passenger "So now that you have us up here where does your family live?"

"I live about twelve miles east of area fifty one's border in a two story house in a small town." he responded the best he could while speeding through the air. fifteen minutes later we had visual of the town he had directed us to. as we glided above the main street he directed us down a few roads until we landed infront of the house just as he described it. " I will go in and wake them up, and direct them out here for you guys." he stated nervously.

"Actually I will go in with you... just to be on the safe side for my team's sake." I responded just as he was unlocking the door to the inside. he nodded his understanding and entered inside with me close behind. Following him through the house as he woke his family three kids ranging from preteen to about five, his wife and only a couple month old baby. All of them yelped at the sight of me standing outside their rooms except the youngest kid who climbed right onto my back like a horse giggling the whole time.

getting back outside with his family in tow I put the two eldests on Madison, the dad and five year old on myself and mother with the babe on Jacoline. When they had life lines secured to them we took off again this time straight north towards the Canadian border.

The night was relatively smooth sailing as we used the rockies for cover that we would need during the day, and only had to stop a couple of times for potty breaks since the five year old had the bladder the size of a walnut. The two older ones were fast asleep a couple hours into the trip. As we progressed northward a chill fell into the air which was to be expected it was the higher altitudes.

"Hey! is there a way to be a little warmer? we are gonna catch a cold if we keep this up." yelled the man over the wind.

"You know its real great to be bossy to the things that are saving all your lives right now... and to not even ask for your rescuers names'." I chided back.

"Fine. what are your beasts names anyway." he said back obviously annoyed at my stubbornness.

"Well thank you. Mine is Drew and these two are my lovely accomplices Jacoline and Madison... oh and here I can help slightly my warming my scales for you guys." I said taking a few deep breathes and pouring out heat from my body. its a way of us to regulate our temperature when out in the hot or cold areas we may have to work in.

that was it for the remainder of the complaints as of that time. the sun slowly began to appear to our right with the sky turning grey and heus of orange and gold. "Okay time to land, or we run the risk of being seen by civilians or worse." I called to the two others. within a little while we found a clearing big enough to land in and touched down lightly on the grass. The man undid himself and the five year old from their restraints. when they were off I helped Madison with the two kids. When they were undone I used my tail as a ramp to the ground for them to use.

"Why are you helping them drew? You are almost never this kind especially to random people. Not to mention someone who tried to kill one of our friends." asked Jacoline when they were all disembarked and resting in the shade of one side of the meadow and us the other. The look I got from Madison was a similar inquisitive look. the most anyone saw of me nowadays was the soldier they never saw what I was when I was at home with my mom and siblings.

"To put it blunt... I don't want any family to end up like mine." I said quickly trying to squirm out of the question.

"Oh no. you're not getting out so easily Mr. the truth now... the whole story if you don't mind" Commanded the females causing me to cower like a little child in their presence.

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