It Ends Now

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As we drove back up the incline towards the surface I had forgotten about the Abrams tank in the middle of the hallway towards the top. We were only half way up the incline, but when we reached it I would have to carry the madman sitting next to me out of the mountain on foot.

I was on edge for how calm he seemed during the ride. As we neared the carnage part of the hall I glanced over to him and spotted a small device in his grasp. Something in my brain clicked and recognized it as an explosives plunger in his hands. Just as I threw myself at it he pressed the detonator.

For what seemed like an eternity I felt blind as the explosion roared forward from the back of the hummer. The only sensation other than the scent of smoke was that of being flipped multiple times and excruciating pain at the base of my tail.

When my senses returned for the most part, I took note of the situation rapidly. Mawly was laying fifteen feet infront of me. He was still breathing which was a relief to me, but as I went to get up the pain radiating from my tail flared once more. Glancing back cautious of what I might see. I saw most of my tail trapped under the warped burning wreckage of the hummer.

I heard distant shouts and the clanking of a of talons approaching from the direction of the entrance. Mr. Mawly was starting to regain consciousness as the voices grew louder. I heaved against the vehicle to free my trapped limb, but to no avail. The man was on his feet by the time Carter and Sam rounded the bend with a group of three FBI agents.

Panic swept over me as Mawly picked up a destert eagle and loaded fresh rounds into it. Frantically thrashing against the weight of the machine it started to shift off my tail at a snails pace. Looking back at the relief squad they had spotted mawly and had set up a blockade.

My tail was almost free when Mawly took his first shot. One of the men at the other end screamed then went silent, followed by another two. Thats when Carter's voice rang in my ears. "Don't worry Drew I'm on my way!"

"Carter! Don't you dare! Retreat! Please!" I begged as he sprinted forward with Sam on his heels.

The first shot to connect with his smaller body ripped through his right wing joint, he yelped but pressed on. The second went through his left forelimb. He went to the ground just as the third shot rang in my ears. Carter dropped to the floor limp. My eyes sewed themselves shut as I kicked the SUV repetatively moving it further each time, shouting in between kicks"Move. Move.. Move!"

"Murderer! I'll kill you!" I heard Sam roar as he raced foreward.

My tail came free just as Sam leapt at the man jaws primed to rip him in half, but only a single shot came this time.

Sam was coughing on the ground infront of the man spitting up blood, desperate for air. Mawly said with distain "well, damn. I missed your spine... Here let me help you with that." the words had barely left his mouth when he pulled the trigger and Sam jerked then went motionless.

"You know Drew... In Korea, I was the one who called for your death. So when you were let off the hook I had that officer killed... You know, the one who gave you the mission to dispose of all the bombs... After that I started to weed out the other members. The Dragon supervisor at area 51 was killed under our groups orders for knowing too much. We purposely took your sister as well. How am I going to live with myself with all this on my mind? Just know that I won't lose sleep over the deaths of pathetic children. Knowing that project firestorm will cripple the governments of NATO before taking over. Come on, put up some resistance before dying like a dog. Even that pathetic pile of orange and green shit over there put up a more courageous fight than you did... Staff Sergeant." he mocked. Spitting repetitively in my face followed by pushing the barrel of the pistol between my eyes.

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