the beginning... of what!??

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December 28th 2012

"I can't stand scientists thinking they can predict the end of the world." I muttered to my friend John next to me.

"You not being able to stand them doesn't mean they still can't try you know." he muttered back as he looked out the window of the tour bus on its way to New York City for an Orchestra competition. "Wake James up, and tell him we'll be there soon, you know how much he loves New York he will definitely want to see that skyline he has on his wall." john said rolling his eyes. I looked at James who was across the isle from us, and without a word I stretched over and shook his head hard before he snapped awake.

as he lurched up in his seat he cursed at me "What the fucking hell Drew you know I hate when you do that...Sheesh." he finished while stretching. Without warning both John and him punched me my shoulders simultaneously showing smirks when the finished.

"Don't make me hurt you" I threatened. I was 6 feet to both their 5' 10" heights. however I wasn't the heaviest weighing only 150 at most, John weighed less than me, but James was a barrel of a guy that weighed more than the both of us combined. I was athletic with a toned build that meant I could beat them both in strength. luckily we came into view of New York City before we murdered each other.

The next two days were a blur, we got 2nd out of 20 other schools. to celebrate on the third day teachers let us wander around town with our chaperone which I  hated chiefly because it's like I was 5, and the chaperones acted like we were as well, it was one of my more severe pet peeves. some people got to see the statue of liberty I mean that is awesome, but as I said they treated us like 5 year olds. So we got to go to a candy store don't get me wrong I love candy, but not  enough for it to take up 3 stories of a building all with candy. I was bored almost immediately, but James being James couldn't have been happier. John and I walked around a while on the first two floors before we went up to the third floor praying for some sanity, but none the less more candy. we walked up there for what seemed like an eternity but was probably only five minutes when we saw a sign that said free samples with an arrow pointing towards the front of the building. there were a couple of tables all lined up end to end with this weird rock looking candy. above it said take two of any color we did as it said I took a black and silver one. John on the other hand chose a dark blue and gold ones. we glanced at each other and popped them into our mouths.

They tasted amazing! it was like every taste bud in your mouth was exploding! the outside colorful shell gave way to a rich chocolate and Caramel center with one more thing I just couldn't place, but it was so unbelievably good. we hunted down James and ask if he had the samples also. He said that he had and it was awesome, and he wanted more but something nagged at his mind warning him not to.

We meandered our way around for another few minutes before I started to feel strange. Suddenly a wave of nausea rocked my stomach it was like a freight train hit me head on. I willed myself to the closest restroom quickly followed by my two friends. The three of us made it into the stalls and started heaving, but nothing came out I could here them also not having any success. After twenty or so minutes it slowly subsided and I crawled my way up to my feet propping myself against the stall preparing for another wave to hit again.

I turned around to face the door and unlocked it. I leaned against the wall for just a while longer before attempting to walk out. when I opened the door the floor gave way under me and I dropped straight down for what seemed like forever into the blackness. The fall agrivated my stomach again as I fell until I started to see the familiar glow of iridescent lights on the chute I was going down. A while more after that I finally saw a grey platform that I flopped down onto. my body became to weak to stand again, but I didn't have to as the platform rotated around a central column spiralling upwards. as it moved I saw several other's drop down onto the platforms including James and John. The platforms continued their slow March upwards when it stopped in front of a catwalk that followed the platform's path. Just then 4 holes appeared and vices clamped onto my body keeping me from moving as if I could...

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