Target Neutralized

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The tires screeched for half a second or so, but that was all that I needed to be vaulted out of sleep. I quickly stood and glanced out one of the side windows, careful to not be visable to other vehicles in the early morning light. I finally realized why we had skid for that time. Mainly because the road had a couple inches of snow covering the pavement.

I looked over at Madison who was still asleep. I was always kind of jealous of how she could practically sleep through anything. However it was my job as leader of the squad to ensure nothing happens to those under my command.

I took my right paw and rubbed my eyes to clear up my vision, and to get rid of the exasperation from waking up so quick. I was curious on what month it was for the snow to be piled up this high... I mean we all had basic ideas on when each season was due to the weather, but we had no accurate perception of the date. It should be about late November now but the weather was odd for this early in the year However I personally have no Idea which year it could already be approaching 2014 For all I knew.

I shook my head out of my zoning moment, and laid back down next to Madison placing my wing over her, but not attempting to fall asleep. She subconsciously got closer to me again, and I realized she was humming in her sleep. It was slow and quiet but the melody and tune was beautiful. I simply sat there listening for several hours as it repeated over and over until It finally lulled my into a nap.


"Dreewww... wake up please. I wish to have a little breathing room preferably." Madison stated as she writhed back and forth trying to escape my grasp. I was fully aware of what was happening, so I had some fun with the opportunity.

I pulled her tighter to which she squirmed more. "I don't know if you are allowed to have some breathing room it sounds very dangerous to me." I stated when I finally let her go to what seemed to be her relief.

"You are such an ass sometimes, you know that right? anyway my legs were falling asleep along with my wings. thats why I needed to get up." She stated exasperated opening her wings slightly to get the blood pumping in them again.

"Ya I am well aware of that fact as is everyone else. So I have a question, what were you humming earlier when you were asleep? It went kind of like this." I asked as I repeated the tune back to her.

"How am I supposed to know? I was asleep though it sounds weird." she snapped back at me with the sarcastic remark. I raised my hands in submission to keep her from getting more pissed at me than she seemed to already be.

" Okay troops we have arrived at our destination. We will get to a secluded area and let you out for a stretch here soon." Called the lead truck's occupants to us.

after a little while longer we came to a small park that they roped off as a crime scene before driving us out of sight and soon we were free of the metal containers. The agents gathed us around a table and laid out the plans for the mission. James, John, and Carter would take point. Followed by the agents and the two ladies and I would take rear and keep any security at bay from interrupting. we would go at night each of us carrying an agent on our backs to the roof of the designated building. once there we would use the roof access point and head into the main software room to insert the virus to destroy the contents that we were required to terminate.

After waiting around for an hour or two we finally got the go-ahead to mount up and head in by our commanding officer. The night was perfect for a black ops mission. It was a new moon whitch meant we wouldn't be silhouetted on the night sky, and it was a mostly cloudy night that would give us excellent cover to get us over the city without being spotted.

I pulled an ear piece and mic set from one of my utility pockets and slid it on before my passenger boarded. "Jake I have a request to make of you before we do this... stand on your rear legs I am going to spray pain the silver scales black to blend in better. also spread your wings." stated one of the agents holding a aerosol can. sighing I did as told and allowed him to do it. along with drying it faster from wing beats as we took off. Jacoline, carter, and James all had similar predicaments to myself having almost all of their bodies painted to keep low key.

WHO ARE WE? Dragons or People? (Genesis)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz