New Assignment

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"UP AND AT EM!!! This is wake up call." yelled an officer into our bunker at the top of his lungs. We left our vests in our bunker, Because we wouldn't need them until afternoon training, and they just weigh us down anyway.

As we walked to the mess hall a vast majority of the cadets hadn't seen us as we were observing them the day before, and so they were in awe of some of our markings, well scares. See even after the bruised scales fall off there is still a dark red outline where the damage was done. Breakfast consisted of the regular portions of beef and other assortments of meat.

"So i take it you're sleep were good enough last night?" I stated to my group as we sat at one of the tables by the doors.

"Eh it wasn't bad i guess... had worse for sure." said John in response to my question. most everyone agreed with his response. The other advanced groups sat at the tables next to us, but the younger trainees seamed fixated on our table.

"Excuse me noobs, but you are in our seats there. guess you didn't get the memo that this is basalisc territory. so move your asses or fight us for it." said a large blood red dragon from behind me.

Rolling my eyes to the inexperienced cadet i responded" Oh sorry i thought this was US territory. anyway this is alpha squad's seats for breakfast. find another table."

"Like i believe that load of bullshit you liar you ain't Alpha though you may have the same markings as their leader. fight me to prove it!" he hollard. causing the mess hall to quiet. a captain came in and recognized our three advanced squads.

"Basalisc squad back down! you cannot win that fight move tables!" yelled the man across the room.

"Fuck off runt you ain't gotta clue what you are talking about." the condescending leader scoffed.

"Alpha squad. Andrew Blake your have permission to discipline him outside." that was all it took for me to be up from my seat and stalk outside followed by their leader.

He was smaller than he looked then when he was standing over me inside. probably a foot foot or two smaller in length and six inches in height. He didn't look completely confidant now that we were outside. we crouched to ready fight stances our body's low to the ground, showing off our fangs trying to intimidate one another.

we stood for almost a minute like that two extremely low growls echoing from our chests. until his patience wore too thin and he attacked mistake number one. I dodged out of the way and raked my claws down his side slicing off his vest and putting decent gouge marks into him. when he stopped to face me again he dipped his head towards the ground. his two muzzle horns pointing towards me, before he charged like a clumsy Ryno not bothering to look where I was. I didn't move, I simply waited, and when he was close enough I stepped on his head. stopping him dead in his tracks which because of his momentum picked his rear off the ground before slamming back down mistake number two. However he wasn't finished, because he rolled away an one of his horns grazed my ankle but not enough to draw blood.

"Damn you. I will kill you where you stand asshole!" came a threat from him still not yielding to surrender. he was still withing ten feet of me when he tried to take to the sky and get the advantage over me mistake number three... he was out.

when he flapped twice which propelled him twelve feet up which was still withing leaping range. i did exactly that and vaulted into the air and bit down hard on his right wing with a satisfying crunch his flight faltered and he collapsed to the ground before i landed on his chest and he was sqirming like mad to escape, but to no avail. "Andrew! Release him he has learned his lesson!" yelled the captain in front of me trying frantically to get my attention.

finally comming back to my senses i climbed off his side and he coughed for air a couple of times. turning my back i started my way back into the building. i heard a muffled grunt like being punched in the gut behind me, quickly followed by the distinct sound of dragon pads racing up behind me. Swinging my tail violently left i felt it hit his chest and knock him off his feet feet, and to the ground unconscious. Sighing i returned inside to finish my meal.

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