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The next morning a rifle butt nudged me awake. Looking up a squad of men with the rest of the advanced units had came around. They woke up the remainder of my squad, we hurriedly got back into our tactical gear, and moved silently out of the hanger.

They took us across the scarcely occupied tarmac to the administrative building. One of them held the door as we entered, and were led to a back conference room where there were the same people as the night before.

We were put back infront of the assembly on the panel. "Goodmorning, I hope that you all slept well. I trust we didn't wake you up too early." the moderator said amused, "Now onto business. In the matter of the release of the cadets. They will be granted honorable discharge. A reminder that the process will take several days or weeks...In regards With the request made by Obsidian at 23:42 last evening to be able to aid military forces in the extermination of Project Firestorm. The request has been denied. The information given last night will serve sufficiently to alert NATO. Moving on to the next thing on the agenda is weather or not the 26 of you will be charged with the murder of 40 government agents, destruction of government property, destruction of crime scene evidence, and treason. Are there any objections to these accounts? No? Then the verdict carried last night during our private deliberations stands. You are all guilty, and will be transfered to a secure containment facility within the next 48 hours. However, you will be free to move around the grounds under constant eye of a patrol detail assigned to each of you. Good day." he finished while arranging the papers in front of him. There were still grumbles of discontented members, but they didn't make their opinion voiced in our presence. My blood boiled at their actions, but the only action I made while leaving the panel was reaching to my left shoulder pad and ripping off the United States flag and Staff Sergeant insignia and throwing them both to the ground at the moderator's feet. There was a chorus of gasps from dragons and humans alike. I made one final remark on my way out, loud enough for all of them to hear.

"I hope you all go to hell." I stated before spitting in the direction of my discarded patches.

Upon exiting we were greeted by several dozen squads meant to be our escorts. From someone towards the back of our group I heard a snicker.

"They have got to be kidding, we could kill all of then within three seconds flat and be on our way!" they laughed.

"You will do no such thing. If we do that the cadets will most definately be forced to face trial as well. We will do as they want for now. The future might favor us sooner than the government anticipates." I turned to face them keeping my voice low. They nodded with a straight face, but their eyes had something feirce hidden inside, a respect for me earned through reputation and time together. It was all I had left as far as rank went.

After that I strode away at a light jog that the men had trouble even attempting to keep up with. I made it to the medical station and went directly past the registration table into the infirmary. Some of the many injured had awoken and were discharged, others had passed away during the previous night. Bri was still unconscious and resting with strong vitals. I laid there for the majority of the day debating how to make sure she would know I was alive at the very least.

One of the soldiers recieved a radio transmission late that night saying that the transport was ready to move us to our prison. "Its time to go." one said.

"One more minute. I'll go quietly don't worry." I replied stalling the inevitable. Taking my bullet dented faceplate off I burned a message into the inside of it saying 'I LIVED', I placed it on her bed stand. Leaning over to her I kisses her cheek and hugged her before turning to the soldiers to be lead away.

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