Epilogue: Miracle mile

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Two years later____________________________________________

"P p p poker face, p p p poker face."

What is that noise? I wonder still half asleep, yet I don't even bother opening my eyes and just ignore it. Sleep is more important than investigating.

"P p p poker face, p p p poker face, Muh muh muh muh."

This time the sound is accompanied by something poking my face in several spots.

I quickly sit up and bump against a hard moving object.

"Ow." I yelp. It isn't until I fully open my eyes, that I see what I collided with.

"That's not nice. I was giving you a great Lady Gaga rendition." Alex laughs then slightly winces in pain when he touches his forehead.

"I'm sorry! Thanks for the "Poker Face" cover. Who doesn't want to wake up to that?"

"I know, That's why you moved in with me and Dwight. You have the privilege of waking up to Grammy worthy singing and a corgi everyday."

I nod and play along. "You got me all figured out."

"That's why I knew you weren't going to get up at 6 a.m even though you told me you set your alarm." He sings and after a moment of confusion, his words sink in.I jump up from bed so fast that I trip on the entangled bed sheets. "I would have woken you up earlier but I fell asleep on the couch so I didn't hear the alarm." He adds.

"What time is it? Ann is going to murder me!"

When my alarm went off this morning, I assumed it was a mistake. After all, I've rarely in life woken up early on a Saturday. Of course only Ann would schedule a wedding dress fitting at seven in the morning. I don't know how, but she bribed the bridal shop to open ahead of time just for her.

"It's 6:25 a.m right now."

"Shit. I only have like 5 minutes until she gets here."

I run into the closet and pull out jeans and a comfy long sleeve shirt before dashing to the bathroom. While brushing my hair, I hear someone knocking on the door.

"Do I get it?"Alex yawns from the living room. He stayed up all night watching the Rockets play on t.v so I wouldn't be surprised if he fell right back asleep.

"No! I'll get it." I quickly throw my hair in a messy ponytail and slide on my flats.

I do a once over in the mirror and decide I look okay. I mean, I look like I rolled out of bed. But, I literally just did.

"You barely woke up didn't you?" I hear Ann tsk from beside me.

"How did you even get in?" A quick look around and I find my answer.

Alex has fallen asleep on the sofa with Dwight on his lap, breathing louder than the owner. Both have failed at their job today to be alert.

"The door was slightly open. You're lucky I wasn't a murderer or something." She points out while pretending to stab me with an imaginary knife. "For somebody who writes about the news, I would think you know better."

"You are crazy." I laugh. "Let's get going before you pretend to chop my head off next."


"How did the dress thingy go?" Alex asks from the kitchen as soon as I open the door to our apartment.

"Good. Ann picked her wedding dress and my dress." I'm going to be her maid of honor at the wedding. It's exciting but nerve wracking with how much of a perfectionist she is.

"I thought she was going to let you pick it? What happened?"

"She made a face at each dress I picked until I gave up and just let her decide for me. I'm sure if it were up to her, she would choose Asher's tux." I don't mind anyways that she ended up picking for me, It's the engaged couple's day.

"Probably." He laughs and gets up from the couch were he was watching The Office. He's rewatched the show so many times he probably has it memorized. "I'm going to check some work emails really quick."

"Look at you being all professional. Hey, where's Dwight?" He usually greets me at the door with dog kisses.

Alex doesn't respond so I'm assuming he must have gotten a really important email and is busy dealing with it.

"Dwight? Where are you?" I call out and walk around the apartment. He usually doesn't come running when he's doing something bad like eating trash he found on the floor or destroying a shoe.

Suddenly I hear his paws and see him running towards me.

"There you are! Where were you hiding?" I kneel on the floor to pet him and he licks my hands. "Wait, what is that hanging from your collar?"

I notice a diamond ring attached to his name tag.

I have to remind myself to breathe.

Am I dreaming? Or maybe seeing things? One of those are clearly happening right now. Me and Alex have never talked about getting married even when we were told about Ann and Asher's engagement.

I'm so busy freaking out in my head that I don't even notice Alex kneeling on one knee in front of me.

"Thanks for the help Dwight. Your part is done." He pets him and removes the ring from his collar.

Dwight happily pants and licks Alex before trotting away to lay on his bed.

I'm still on the floor basically eye level with Alex.

"I want to ask you something but by the look on your face, I think you may have a heart attack."

"I'm fine." I mumble with my heart beating fast.

"Well then, I can ask if you would do me the honor of washing my car?"

"What?" I shake my head confused.

"I'm kidding, I just wanted you to relax." He laughs and I kind of want to hit him for messing with me. "But the real question I want to ask is, will you marry me?" He holds the ring in front of me and I think my heart goes from beating too fast to stopping for a second.

I've tried not thinking about marrying Alex because I wasn't sure if it would ever happen. But I have thought about it. I would imagine having a small wedding with family and friends along with other things.

I already know my answer so I take a deep breath.


Alex smiles as he puts the ring on my finger.

As soon as he's done, I go towards Alex and kiss him. He puts his arms around me and I do the same. We are still on the ground and Dwight scratches at our legs to get our attention. At some point Dwight gives up and leaves us.

We finally break apart, breathless.

"Aren't you glad I kept bothering you in class two years ago?" He says looking down at my left hand while holding it in his.

I roll my eyes before responding. "You're lucky I kept talking to you."

"Fine, we are both right." Alex compromises.

But I have a feeling that no matter what, we would have ended up where we are now. Now I like to think that things happen for a reason.

"Future Mrs. Woods, how would you like to join me off of this floor and out to celebrate?" He tries to ask with a straight face. It seems like we haven't moved from this spot and my knees are starting to hurt.

I place a quick kiss on his lips then stand up and pull him up with me. "I would love to."

                    The End

Note: The story is finally done! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story. I'm working on a new novel called "Addicted to you" and I already have the first chapter up. Amelia and Alex may have an appearance in the novel ;)

Kiss with a fist (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें