Chapter 30: Don't You Know Who I think I am?

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“Are you positive it’s Katherine? Are you messing with me?” Alex asks looking both puzzled and caught off guard.

I’m a little appalled that he thinks I would make this a prank. I don’t know if he’s expecting me to be like “Yup, you caught me. It’s actually a pizza delivery guy. The total is twenty dollars by the way. What should we tip?”

Before I even have a chance to elaborate further, clacking heels echo through the hallway and I know who it is before the unwanted voice speaks up. Apparently she doesn’t follow directions very well.

“Yes, it is I.” She announces and walks up to stand right beside me. “Well, this is a peculiar situation. The ex and current girlfriend in front of you. Such a lucky guy.”

I stop myself from muttering “fake ex” just in time. I like to think I can act like somewhat of an adult.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Alex questions with a mixture of surprise and annoyance reflecting on his features.

“I had a feeling you still lived here. Good thing I was right, I was not in the mood to hunt you down.” Katherine speaks while scanning the apartment’s surroundings.

“Can you just answer me?” Alex repeats with a stronger tone.

This whole thing has lasted less than three minutes and I already wish I weren’t here. I feel like a third wheel slash outsider honestly. I know he doesn’t care for her, but still. She’s the ex who looks like a million bucks, and I’m in wrinkled clothing.

I slowly retreat from the scene playing in front of me and decide to hide out in the kitchen. I’m pretty sure I look like that Homer Simpson meme where he starts awkwardly walking backward into the bushes.

Alex watches me, but thank god he doesn’t comment on it.

“We haven’t seen each other in three years. Shouldn’t I at least receive a hug, high five, or something?” I hear Katherine pout and if I were still standing next to her, this is where I would have probably high fived her, straight in the face.

“No. I don’t have all day. I still can’t comprehend why you are here.”

I grab a cold bottle of water from the refrigerator and take a sip so I can seem busy. The kitchen is the perfect location so I can hear, yet not be seen. I know I’m being nosy but I can’t help the curiosity. I don’t see why she would suddenly show up at Alex’s doorstep. Especially after she acted like such a bitch to him.

“Don’t play dumb. You know I’m here for this month’s child support. You haven’t paid me and Alex Jr. needs some new clothes! Not to mention the fact that you haven’t visited him in weeks!”

By the end of that sentence, I start choking and the water I was drinking has since sprayed all over my sweatshirt and floor.

I’m still coughing as I put down the bottle and grab a whole bunch of napkins off the counter.

Alex has a kid and he didn’t tell me? What the fuck is going on? And fuck, the water feels fucking freezing.

“Katherine, why are you like this?” I barely hear Alex sigh before hearing footsteps coming in my direction.

Shit. I can’t stop coughing and I think my heart stopped beating from pure shock.

Before I know it, both are in the same room as me now and I want to die. Or develop superpowers that cause me to become invisible when I desire. Sadly, I don’t believe that's possible in the next five seconds so I’m stuck looking like an idiot.

“It’s entertaining.” Katherine laughs as soon as she lays her eyes on me.

“She was just trying to be funny Amelia.” Alex clarifies and pats my back. “There isn’t even a remote chance that she and I have a kid.”

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