Chapter 13: House of Memories

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"That sounds like a date! No wonder you didn't answer my texts, you were to busy with Alex." Ann adds a wolf whistle at the end.

I've been on the phone with Ann for twenty minutes since she called to check on me and gush over Asher. After I told her what I did today, she acted like a lawyer and cross examined me with about a hundred questions. Her major is art, but I think she should reconsider and obtain a law degree.

"I'm about to hang up on you." I threaten and hold the phone away from my ear.

"No! Amelia Morgan, you owe me more details! What's his place like? What did you guys do at the park?"

"I already told you." I sigh and throw my head back. She's not satisfied with my answers apparently.

"Hmm... are you sure there wasn't a kiss in there somewhere that you're leaving out?"

"There was not. Why would there be?" Not that I would have minded, but I'm sure as hell not going to admit that to her. She would have a field day with that. " I gotta go to sleep, I have class tomorrow."

Sleep, the best excuse to get out of being interrogated by your best friend.

"Bitch, it's only nine P.M. You need a better diversion then that."

Okay, maybe that was a bad excuse. I usually don't even fall asleep until 1 in the morning unless I'm exhausted from work or school. Then I have random nights where I go to bed by eight. My sleep schedule is severely fucked up.

Right as I'm about to come up with something else, my home phone starts ringing. Perfect.

"Hey, I really have to hang up now. My other phone is ringing. Can't you hear it?" I even hold my cell out towards the ringing phone as I get up from the living room couch.

"I hate you right now. Fine, talk to you later. Our morning workout is only cancelled because it's supposed to rain pretty bad."

"-Kay, Bye." I hang up and answer the other line before whoever the ringing stops.

"Hello?" Now that I picked it up, I regret not checking the caller ID. What if it's just some telemarketer?

"Amelia! How's my favorite cousin? I called you earlier but got your voicemail." Ethan greets me.

"I'm good. Sorry, I was uh, busy earlier." No need to get into details again. I would like to especially leave out the hangover part.

"Good. My mom wanted me to check and see how you've been. We miss you. When are you coming to visit us here in San Antonio?"

"Not sure since I'm busy with school right now. I was going to write back to Angela but forgot." I don't even recall where I put the letter she sent me. I feel horrible since my aunt Angela raised me most of my llife and I didn't bother to respond.

Great job Amelia, way to be ungrateful.

"Are you sure you're not just scared I'm going to destroy you in mario kart again? How about I let you win one game? Only one though, I need to stay the champ." He gives a lighthearted laugh that causes me to grin.

"You cheated last time."

"Where are these false accusations coming from? How do you even cheat?" He feigns offence.

"They are not false and you know it." I tease.

"All I'm hearing is pure hearsay." He rebuttals.

"I guess everyone's acting like we're in court today." I mumble to myself forgetting that I'm on the phone talking with a relative.

"What are you mumbling about?"

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