Chapter 34: Wherever I go

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Having unexpected visitors showing up at my doorstep always throws me off guard. Especially, when it's family. Unlike strangers, I can’t tell them to leave my property without looking like an ass.

They randomly showed up on my doorstep about ten minutes ago. When I first saw them, I thought I was hallucinating since I had barely woken up from a two hour nap.

It’s not that I don’t want them here, it’s just that it makes me feel weird. Having others possibly stay here when you might not have rent money that's due by the end of the week, is panic inducing.

If I get kicked out while they are still here, questions will be asked that I do not want to answer.

Why didn’t I wait to kick Rebecca out? Oh, right, she was being a bitch to me.

“Are you dating anyone new? I ran into Matthew the other day at Target. He’s a college senior just like you, but at UT. He’s also single by the way.” My Aunt Angela informs me from the living room couch as I pour some cold water into a glass for her and my cousin.

I know what direction she’s heading with this, and I mentally prepare myself.

“Oh, really? I didn’t know you were interested in him? I ship you two now.” I quip and pass out the cups once done.

“Amelia! I am not interested in your ex-boyfriend. He’s close to Ethan’s age for crying out loud.”

“Yes, and it would be so fucking creepy.” Ethan pipes up beside her then pretends to vomit.

“Language!” Angela scolds and in response he rolls his eyes. “Anyways, y’all were such a cute couple as teens. He’s a good guy and hard worker. The only reason the relationship ended was because you two were going to different universities right? I went ahead and gave him your updated cell phone number.”

“Why would you do that? I’m not interested.” I mutter defeated. I really shouldn’t be surprised that she did that.

I love her to death, but I hate when she always tries to set me up with somebody. I haven’t said anything about Alex because I already know she will not let it go until she knows everything about him from his family history to what his first memory as a child was.

“So you can move on from that Stephen guy.”

“Who said I haven’t? I’m not moping over him.” She knows we broke up and the reason, but not all the dramatic aftermath that followed. My life had basically turned into some T.V series plotline.

“Is he hot? Don’t get me wrong, he’s a horrible person who should be cut in the carotid for his cheating actions and all, but is he?” Ethan asks with a raised eyebrow.

“I don’t think your boyfriend would appreciate this line of questioning.” I retort to avoid responding.

Stephen isn’t hideous, but I refuse to slightly compliment him in any way. His ugliness on the inside is enough to downgrade his appearance.

“It’s just a question Amelia. Fine! Don’t answer.”

“This is bringing back memories of when you guys would argue about the dumbest things. For example, I recall a dispute between the two of you that had to do with who was the fastest at eating. Made absolutely no sense.” Angela shakes her head, most likely disappointed at the thought of young Ethan and I.

“We kept you entertained though.” I laugh and take a seat across from them. “We also know that I was the fastest. Anyways, how was the drive from San Antonio? This surprise appearance caught me off guard.”

“Did you have big plans or something?” Ethan butts in.

Just figuring out a new place to live for one.

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