Chapter 17: Interruptions

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"Alex, open the door! I brought pizza and beer. This shit is getting heavy dude."

The booming and familiar sounding voice startles me enough that I back away from Alex, breaking our contact. I already miss his lips on mine, but the moment feels ruined. I kind of want to strangle whoever is at the door, yet at the same time, maybe it's a sign that what just happened is a bad idea.

"Um, you should get that." I mutter feeling a blush creep on my cheeks. I try to avoid making eye contact and instead gaze at the apartment door.

"It's fine, Asher can wait." He gently uses his hand to turn my head towards him. My heart hasn't calmed down and I'm worried I'm about to have a freaking heart attack.

Three rapid knocks start up again followed by Asher calling out Alex's name. He does this a couple more times and it reminds me of how Sheldon Cooper from "The big bang theory" knocks on Penny's door.

"I know you're in there, I saw your car. Fine, I'm just going to keep doing this annoying knock until you answer me. Are you still mad that I told Ann that you like Amelia? I mean, it's pretty obvious."

Wait, did I hear that right? Is there another Amelia? Is he talking about me? Too many things are rushing through my head right now.

"I'm going to murder you and keep your damn pizza." Alex yells back and sighs.

"That's the spirit! Now open the damn door, several of your stuck up rich people neighbors are looking at me weird."

"Oh, god." Alex murmurs frusturated. "I'll be back, I'm going to let in this asshole." I just nod since I feel like I've been frozen in place. He drops his hand and goes towards the door. I don't know why, but that gesture makes my heart fall.

I need to leave. There is a strong possibility that things are about to become awkward. What are Alex and I going to talk about?

"Hey, so we just kissed, should we analyze this or ignore it?"

God, I'm already dreading that discussion.

The worst thing he could possibly tell me is that he regrets what happened and only sees me as a "friend". I would never be able to face him again.

Once Alex lets him in, an oblivious Asher makes a straight line towards the kitchen.

"Finally! What took you so damn long? I was abou-, oh, hey Amelia. I didn't know you were here." Asher looks back and forth between Alex and me, most likely trying to understand the confusing scene in front of him.

"Hey Asher. How are you?" I ask calmly. Or as calm as I possibly can at this time.

"Good. Well, I have several questions. First, what happened in the kitchen, cause it looks like a food fight occurred and I am jealous that I did not get to join. Also, can you disregard anything you might have heard me say outside? Alex is already pissed at me." He lowers his voice towards the end so only I can hear.

"Too late dumbass." Alex glares at his friend.

"I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I'll go, you guys can keep the pizza and six pack of beer. It's a large pepperoni from pizza hut."

"Actually, I have to go. I have an assignment due soon that I haven't even started on. So, okay, bye." I lie and start to make my way towards the exit when Alex stops me.

"Wait, we need to talk and you still have whip cream and egg all over you. Don't you want to use my shower or something?"

Crap, he said the word: talk.

"I really need to go and I'll just take a shower at home. See you soon. Bye Asher." I ramble and bolt out of there so fast that you would think a serial killer was chasing me.

I don't even care that I look ridiculous, I just have to get home and do one of two options. One would be to process everything, and the other would be to avoid thinking about what happened.

I'm 50/50 right now.

*********Alex P.O.V********

"I am so sorry. How was I supposed to know Amelia was here?" Asher keeps apologizing which isn't helping the situation.

"This is not how I pictured her finding out how I felt. Your big ass mouth blurting it out, is not exactly romantic. I mean, you saw how she freaked and ran out. She's probably going to avoid me now." I place my forehead on the kitchen table and sigh.

"Why would she avoid you? Come on, she likes you too."

"She's different. Amelia isn't like other girls who would jump at the chance to date me. When we first met, she wasn't exactly my biggest fan. It took awhile for us just to become friends. Not to mention, she's more reserved and private about her feelings."

"Look, I'm going to tell you something but you can't say that I told you. If you do, I'm going to get in trouble." He whispers as if we aren't the only people left in my apartment. Well, besides Dwight. But I seriously doubt he's going to start spilling secrets anytime soon. Unless he magically learns to talk.

"With who?" I ask in a bored tone.


I start cracking up. "You are so whipped."

"Shut up, and you're one to talk. You're the one moping like some twelve year old girl."

I sit up straight and defend myself. "I am not. Fine, maybe I am. Just tell me what she said."

"I was talking on the phone with Ann on my way here, and she told me that Amelia finally admitted to her that she likes you. Ann also mentioned something about Rebecca. Apparently she talked to Amelia and made it seem like there was something going on between the both of you."

"What?" I remember Amelia bringing up Rebecca, but I didn't pay it any attention. The only time I've ever talked to that girl was at the frat party. I don't care for her, she seems clingy and immature.

"I don't know all the details man, I kind of zoned out and started thinking about food halfway through."

"You are useless."

"Well, at least now you know Amelia feels the same way about you."

"I kind of figured that out when we kissed. Also, screw you for interrupting that."

"Oh shit. Again, I did not know! Though it's kind of ironic that I came over to help, but I actually made shit worse." He starts snickering but stops when I threaten to punch him. "I'll help you clean the kitchen, will that make it better?" Asher volunteers and eyes the current state of disarray everything is in.

"I was going to make you anyway." I huff.

I don't have a clue on how to fix anything now. Roses and chocolates are not going to win Amelia over. But, I do know someone who could help me.

A/N: Asher picked the wrong time to visit 😐😒😭 But at least there's pizza?

Anyway, here is chapter 17! I almost didn't finish this chapter because I had a bad cold and felt horrible, but I powered through.
I hope y'all have a good weekend! My plan is to watch "Parks and Rec" and eat hot cheetos #thepartylife

P.s: What do you think of Alex point of views? I don't plan on doing them on every chapter, but maybe when it fits in with the story.

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