Chapter 25: Unsolicited advice

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I’m running so late. It’s already 3:29 P.M damn it. This is what happens when you actually try to leave work early, it ends up getting busy and your plans are thrown down the drain.

I should have already been home an hour ago preparing for tonight’s date with Alex. Mentally I calculate how much time I have left. When I’m done, I realize I’m now down to only an hour and a half. I wanted to have at least two hours so I wouldn’t have to be in a rush. Shit. Too late for that now.

Good thing I called Ann to meet me at my apartment, she should already be there.

Now where did I park again? After locating my car in the sea of vehicles, I speed walk against the cool autumn wind with keys in hand.

“Hey!” I hear a feminine voice call out loudly but I don’t pay much attention. She must be talking to someone else.

“Amelia!” I hear the same voice cry out just seconds later. Alright, maybe that is for me. I turn in several directions to see who is calling my name when I spot an unfortunate tragedy.

Oh god. What does it want?

“Hello, Stephanie. Always not a pleasure to see you. I’m in a hurry so whatever you have to say, I don’t have time for it.”

Every time she finds me, it's to warn me to stay away from Stephen. I haven’t worked with or seen him since the the day he acted like a total asshole and I’m not complaining about it. He can completely  disappear for all I care.

“I don’t like you.” She casually states while twirling a piece of her fire red hair between her finger when she catches up to me.

This is going as good as I expected.

“Thank you for that. Is that all you wanted? I’ll make sure to weep about it later.” I roll my eyes and open my door. I’m about to get in when she slams the door close.

“What the hell do you want? I have plans.” Maybe she knows Stephen is working here and she’s worried that I’m going to steal him away. I don’t even know if they are a “thing” anymore.

“Like I said, I don’t like you, but I have to warn you about something.”

“I’m so lost right now.”

“Did you get my text message the other day? The one that told you not to trust him?” She asks with a bored expression painted on her face.

I try to remember getting a text from her, but come up empty. Though now that I think about it, I do recall receiving a message from an unknown number that made absolutely no sense.

“Wait, you sent that mysterious text? Why? How did you even get my number?”

“Take it easy with the twenty questions. It’s easy to get people’s numbers.” She shrugs. “Anyway, I was referencing Stephen.”

“Stephen? Of course it has to do with him. Look, I’m not interested in getting back together with him nor am I getting in the way of your twisted future.” I want to mention that I already have a boyfriend, but decide to keep that to myself for now.

“I’m over him actually. I was just warning you that Stephen might be acting like your friend, but he has an ulterior motive.”

“Like what? And he and I are not friends. Far from it really. Also, you could have been clearer in the damn text. It was so fucking vague, I thought it had been a wrong number.”

“Look, I don’t know all the answers, but apparently he’s been lying. About what? I wasn’t told. We have mutual friends who overheard him talking about some scheme and they heard your name. I’m telling you this because I acted like a bitch to you before. Maybe this makes up for some of it. Stephen is a jackass and I can’t believe I actually wanted to be with him.” She shudders. “That’s all.”

Kiss with a fist (completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora