Chapter 23: Liability

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"If you could invent anything in the world, what would it be and why?" Alex reads off our paper and takes a giant bite out of his soft salted pretzel.

Instead of going to our usual library spot, we decided to do our assignment at the cafeteria since my stomach betrayed me and let out the loudest growling sound in the world during Mr. Hall's class.

"I would probably create a machine to make me food on command." I attempt to say through the last mouthful of cheeseburger I’m currently chewing.

"Isn't that just a private chef?"

"No, this is different. It would be more of a robot so I wouldn't have to interact with a human. I mean, other people wouldn't have to interact. Plus, you wouldn't have to pay it!"

I can just imagine being able to watch netflix nonstop and having food ready and brought to me whenever I want. It also solves the tiny issue of me being incompetent in the kitchen.

"I don't know why you would need a cooking robot when you have me, but fine. I guess I would invent a program called: Wuphf.  The program would link everyone's social media so they get notified immediately of notifications and they will always be within reach." He finishes with ridiculous finger guns.

"I'm kind of impressed that you thought of that. All I came up with was a freaking cooking robot. I- wait a second. You just copied that from "the office" didn't you? I vaguely remember seeing that episode on television."

"You caught me." Alex puts his hands up and pretends to surrender. "I'm actually amazed that you knew that, you really know the way to my heart."

"Yup, the secret is knowing quotes and scenes from your favorite TV show." I laugh as I pick up and walk our remaining trash to the garbage.

It's only about five feet from our table, but when I return there's a girl I've never seen talking with Alex, sitting where I was just three seconds ago.

"I haven't seen you in any parties lately! We miss you!" The brunette haired girl mentions, or to be more accurate, squeals.

"I've been busy with my awesome girlfriend." Alex points at me and smiles.

In contrast, mysterious person looks me up and down before letting out an awkward giggle. I suddenly feel self conscious in my blue jeans and wrinkled black v-neck shirt. She’s wearing full on makeup that looks amazing on her as well as a well a light pink coordinated outfit.

"Oh, I didn't know that you actually dated. So Alex Woods has a girlfriend? That's fascinating. Huh. Anyways, I'm late for my algebra class. See you later." She winks at him and ignores me.

"That was weird." I mutter sitting back down. "Who was that?"

"Kelsey, just some girl who I used to run into at parties. She just wanted to say hi."

I know it's probably nothing, but the words this Kelsey girl said before she left, cloud my mind. They mix into what Stephen said yesterday and I don't like it.

"Can we talk somewhere, privately?" The words leave my mouth before I can stop them.

"Sure, is something wrong?" Alex asks with worry showing in his emerald eyes.

"No, I just uh, have some questions. It might sound stupid, but they're in my head now and I don't want to obsess about it."

"All right. Anything for you Jenny. How about after our next class, we meet up at my place? I'm sure Dwight will be ecstatic to see you."

"Okay, sounds good." I nod and gather my stuff since it's almost time for sociology.

"Are you sure everything's okay?" Alex asks one more time and follows me into the crowded hallway.

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