Chapter 31: The Judge

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One of the best parts of working with your best friend is getting to see them more often than you usually would. Sadly, this backfires tremendously when you are trying to avoid said person.

I completely forgot that I was scheduled to work with Ann today until one P.M. and I've suddenly forgotten how to interact like a normal human being.

The shift just started thirty minutes ago, but the silence is suffocating. We haven't said a word to each other and both of us are pretending to be occupied with some unimportant menial task. Ben is the only other person here, but he's busy in his office.

I've already wiped down the front counter so many times that you could see your reflection off it and Ann is organizing utensils in the drawer a couple of feet to my right. All we that we have in there are spoons, forks, and knives. Not so difficult that it takes over five minutes to arrange.

I'm still unsure on the future of our friendship, but I'm considering saying anything to break the tension.

If things were normal between us, I would have told her by now that last night I kicked Rebecca out of my apartment. She didn't seem surprised but it didn't stop her from acting like a total drama queen. She had the audacity to say that I stole Alex from her and that I was in fact the horrible person. In her head, she thought he was going to fall for her. Of course that is until I, the villain of her story, came in and snatched him away.

I would have recommended for her to date Stephen because both are equally insane, but I shuddered at the thought. Two evils would equal a catastrophe. It would be like Harley Quinn and the Joker, but worse.

Yeah, I'm definitely not going to miss her. Well, other than the rent money.

I'm definitely going to have and work more or find a new roommate.

"Hey, Amelia I-" Ann speaks up behind me, but as soon as I'm about to turn to look at her, a customer comes through the door.

"Welcome, what can I get for you?" I ask with a fake cheery tone I'm not currently feeling.

In return the man who seems to be in his fifties with salt and pepper hair glares at me. Maybe he's not a morning person and I can't exactly blame him. It's eight A.M on a Monday and I would rather be in bed.

He gazes at the menu above my head and something about his features look familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it, but he reminds me of someone.

But who?

Before I know it, his dark brown eyes are back on me and I know I was caught staring. Great, he probably thinks I was checking him out. I mean, I was kinda, but not in an inappropriate way. I almost feel like saying "Um, nice business suit" but stay quiet instead and wait for his drink choice.

"I'll have a grande double shot espresso."

Shit, what is a grande in laymen's terms again? I don't want to call him out. Is it really that easy to confuse us with Starbucks? What am I missing here?

"I'm starting the medium sized drink." Ann calls out and I'm suddenly grateful she's here. Even if we aren't exactly on speaking terms.

"The total is $4.05, would you like to add anything else to your order today?"

"No that's all." He answers in a gruff voice and hands over his shiny Visa credit card.

I swipe it and by the time he finishes signing the receipt, Ann has completed his order and places it in front of him.

"Have a nice day." I say as an afterthought.

"Thank you Amelia." He responds before retrieving his drink and leaving.

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