Chapter 12: Tear in my heart

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"I'm not going to carry you, stop being lazy."

Who knew six months old puppies were so stubborn? Right now Alex is trying to make Dwight follow us by gently pulling on his leash, but the headstrong pup is having none of it as he stays laying on the lush grass.

When we first started wandering the eleven acre park in the heart of downtown called "Discovery Green", he was full of energy and exploring whatever he laid eyes on. Now, it seems the half hour here has taken a toll on him.

"If you want to keep walking the trail, you're going to have to pick him up." I break to Alex.

"No, he needs to stop being spoiled. If I carry him all the time, he will get too used to it."

"Then it seems we have entered an impasse." I mention as I look back and forth between Dwight and Alex.

Dwight does a cute yawn and tries to stop his eyes from closing as his head moves up and down from trying to keep it up. I would record it on my phone, but don't know if Alex finds it as adorable as I do.

Just a few seconds later, I hear a long defeated sigh beside me and Alex scoops up the small puppy in his arms.

"Canine: one, human: zero." I snicker.

"He was clearly tired so I made an exception." He defends his decision and we resume walking down the oak tree filled path.

"True, but I think you're just a big softie at heart. He's got you wrapped around his finger. Well, paw, technically."

"I'm not soft, I am tough and manly." Alex says then kisses the back of Dwight's furry head.

"Uh-huh, sure." I laugh. "How did you end up with this furball anyway?"

"Actually, he belonged to Skylar first."

"Really? What happened?" I don't see how anyone would give up a corgi.

"Well, Jax had gotten him for her twentieth birthday since she had always wanted a dog growing up. She never had one as a kid since her parents thought they were useless to have."

"That sucks." I don't mention that I've never had a pet since that would open some memories I do not intend to go through tonight.

"Yeah, so Jax decided to get her a puppy now that they no longer live on campus and now have their own apartment. He got this little rascal from some friend of his and surprised Skylar with it as soon as she woke up on her birthday."

"She didn't like it?" I question before I can stop myself.

"No, she loved it. The happiness was short lived because it turned out that she was allergic to him. They wanted to give the puppy away to someone who wanted one, but meanwhile they asked me to take care of him."

"I can see where this is heading."

"I got used to having him around and decided to keep him. Plus, everyone benefits since Jax and Skylar can visit him."

"Dwight and Alex: a true love story, now playing in theatres." I joke. "Speaking of love stories, how long have Jax and Sky been together? They make such a sweet couple." Seriously, they are couple goals. I might have been drunk at the frat party, but I remember how they looked at each other.

"About seven years, but they've known each other for fifteen."

"Really?" I gape. That's quite a long time to know someone who isn't family.

"Her family moved next door to us when she was five. As soon as they met, Jax had a crush on her. Then, when they turned thirteen, they started dating. They have been together ever since."

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