Chapter 24: Count on me

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“Ow! Mother fucker.” I yell when the jar of jelly beans I’m holding slips through my hands and falls on my shoeless feet.

Why does my favorite snack hurt me when all I do is love it?

“Haha.” I hear Ann snicker behind me.

“A real friend wouldn’t laugh at my pain.” I turn to glare at her and slowly bend down to pick up the three pound jar when the throbbing pain subsides.

“At least I’m helping you organize your apartment! You should be thankful!”

I usually don’t care about the state of my apartment, but after seeing how nice Jax and Sky’s place looked yesterday, it guilt shamed me into finally cleaning. I told Ann about this when we talked on the phone last night and she instantly volunteered to help.

“I already thanked you, but don’t lie and act like you don’t enjoy it. When we first met, the thing that stood out about you was how you arranged the materials in your binder.” I also remember watching her furiously use her own personal hole puncher to handmake divider tabs.

“It’s an easy system. I tried to show you how to imitate it, but you never took my advice.”

“Because color coordinating notes then putting them in alphabetical order by most to least important makes total sense.” I say with strong sarcasm. I’m not a hundred percent sure what I just said, but I know that’s how she explained it. “It’s too confusing! They are just notes!”

“Haters gonna hate, hate, hate.” Ann sings off pitch while moving her blonde hair side to side.

“Please do not torture me with that song!” I cry and quickly put my hands over my ears to tune her out.

“Don’t you dare disrespect Taylor’s powerful and moving lyrics!”

“Sorry, I guess?” I respond in more of a question.

“I need to teach you about good music.” She shakes her head in disappointment.

“I thought you were an art major. When did you switch to music?” I joke and to get me back, she throws a pillow at my head. Luckily, she has bad aim so it ends up landing on the floor with a sad thud.

I’m about to criticize her awful throwing skills when my cell phone starts blaring.

“She wants to dance like Uma Thurman bury me ’til I confess, she wants to dance like Uma Thurman and I can’t get ya outta my head.”

“Who’s ringtone did you assign that too?” Ann starts cracking up and I know she’s judging me. I blame Fall Out Boy for making great songs.

“It’s my default.” I mutter and answer without even looking at who’s calling. “Hello?”

“Jenny, why are you whispering?” I hear Alex’s confused voice on the other end of the line. I didn’t even realize I was.

“No reason.” I answer in my normal voice. “What’s up?”

“Who is it? Is it Alex? He’s with Asher, tell them I say hi!” Ann runs up behind me and I walk towards the kitchen to escape her.

“I’m guessing that’s Ann, tell her I say hello. Hold on, Asher says- no, I’m not going to say that dude. Step away from me.” I hear Asher mumbling in the background but can’t make out what he’s saying. “Then you text her that. Jenny, are you still there?”

“Yeah. How’s the writing going?” Alex and Asher are at the library each working on their respective essays. He had been a bit stressed out since its going to be a big part of his grade.

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