Chapter 33: Cold, Cold, Cold

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It’s eerily quiet since no one is responding to the nuisance, also known as, Alex’s dad. Name still unknown.

We should all wear name tags. Let’s make life easier people.

“What? Cat's got your tongue?” He asks the table, while specifically looking directly at Lily. She turns away from his glare and I hate that he’s making her uncomfortable. He just wants to be an intimidating asshole.

I want to wipe that smug smile off his face. Right as Alex is about to say something, I take the liberty to insert myself into the line of fire.

“I’m positive there are no cats here, so your question makes no sense.” I comment and play it off as a joke. I clearly have a death wish.

“Who are you?” He questions with a bored tone but I can tell he is irritated that I spoke up against him.

“I’m Amelia. Who are you again?” I pretend to be oblivious and annoyed with his presence. The annoyed part is real now that I think about it. No acting needed for that.

“Charles Woods. Are you with my son? Alex, what have I told you about sleeping with middle class? They only want your money, just like your dear mother. Do you ever think about how this makes our family look? Of course not, you only think about yourself.”

I’m sure the nearby tables are getting lunch and a show with this drama. Also, did this man just subtly call me a slut?

“Dad, what the fuck is wrong with you? And don’t speak about them like that. The only one here who gives a damn about money and image is you. Also, yes, I’m dating Amelia. Not that it’s any of your fucking business.” Alex angrily snaps in a hushed voice.

I appreciate him defending me, but this calls for some sarcasm.

“No, he’s right. I’m only with you for the money. My plan is to become knocked up so I’m set for life. Somehow when I met you, I just knew you were rich. No, actually, I have a built-in radar for wealthy people. Sorry Alex. Damn, he figured it all out.” I deadpan and give a dry laugh.

“Darn. This will be hard on Dwight once he hears about this.” Alex comments.

“This is not the time for jokes.” Charles seethes in a hostile manner.

I wonder if he ever laughs. He seems to be the type to always be in “business” or “jackass” mood.

“Actually, I don’t understand why you’re here. I came to talk with my mom. It’s not a crime. Another question, how did you know I would be here?” Alex questions.

Charles chuckles before answering and it reminds me of how an evil Disney villain would laugh. So he only laughs for dramatic effect, I now have my answer.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m here now. As for your mother, she’s great at telling fibs. I would take anything she said with a grain of salt.”

“Because you are so trustworthy right?”

“I’m not the one who left my family to run off with my lover. It looks like you kept Jax out of your absurd meeting here, at least you did one thing right. Now, follow me. You are not staying here.” Charles sends a death stare to poor Lily who is still avoiding eye contact with him.

“I’m not leaving. You can though. By all means, the door is over there.” Alex points toward the entrance and crosses his arms defensively.

“If you stay here, you are only making things difficult for yourself. I strongly advise that you leave with me.”

“Alex, it’s fine. You can go with your father.” Lily speaks up quietly for the first time since Charles arrived.

“Listen to her. It’s the one smart thing she has probably ever said.”

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