Chapter 16: Alone together

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I feel like people are staring and judging me. It's as if they can sense that I am not one of them.

I'm on my way to Alex's apartment and all the rich people who live here are looking at me weird. I mean, I guess it's obvious that I don't reside here. I'm dressed in plain clothes meanwhile the men and women who I've seen in passing are clearly wearing designer outfits. Plus, they walk like people who know they have money and power. It's freaky. I pick up my pace and as soon as I'm outside his door, I start knocking.

"Jenny! I see you brought gifts. Come in." Alex gives me a big smile and grabs the warm coffee cup I hand out to him.

"Hi. I brought this but they didn't have anymore of the chocolate chip cookies that you wanted." I explain as I pass through his apartment door.

"They never seem to have them lately. Thanks for the coffee anyway, you sure know the way to my heart." He smiles then gulps down his espresso in an impressive 4.5 seconds.

"That was really hot." I stare at him with what I'm sure is a gaping expression.

"Thanks, it's nice that you finally admit that I'm hot. What took so long Jenny?" He dares to smirk and closes the door behind him.

"I didn't mean you're hot, I'm reffering to the coffee you just guzzled down. Didn't that burn your throat?" I clarify and pick up to cuddle an overeager Dwight who has dashed his way over to greet me. Though Alex does look pretty good in his simple outfit of black sweatpants and a grey Nike sweatshirt.

"The coffee doesn't burn me, I burn the coffee." Alex responds in his best impression of a russian accent as he places the now empty cup in the trash.

"That made absolutely no sense." I laugh at his ridiculous and random statement.

"I made that up right now. I'm just used to drinking it while it's still burning hot, I hate when it gets cold. By then the flavor is ruined."

"Can't you just reheat the coffee?"

"It doesn't taste the same." He then scrunches his nose as if it would be the worst thing in the world to not drink it freshly made. Ah, first world problems.

"I don't understand, but okay." I shrug and put my hands up in surrender.

"How did it go when you went to buy the drink? Are you a fan of Starbucks?"

"More like the opposite." I scoff and explain what happened. "It was super busy and crowded but I waited in line to get your caffine and cookie. Then when I ordered the large espresso, the short male cashier dared to correct me about the "proper size names". And to top it all off, they were out of desserts. That could have been one reedemable quality but they failed. Let's just say, I don't hate Starbucks, but if I could, I would destroy it." I finish sounding defeated and annoyed.

Fuck Starbucks and its overrated menu items. I know I work at a coffee place, but we don't sell overpriced food and drinks. Also, I like to think our place is better in service. I would never want to make a customer feel stupid or bother to correct them on "coffee terms".

"I don't mean to rub it in, but I did tell you-" Alex starts but I talk before he can finish that sentence.

"If your going to say that you warned me about the sizes, I'm going to hurt you." I interrupt him.

"Nevermind. So, what did you buy the little rascal?"

"Good choice on changing subjects. Here, take a look." I pass Alex the small plastic shopping bag containing the toy.

"It's a coffee cup that says: Starbarks." He examines the soft squeaky toy with surprising precision.

"Yep. I went to the galleria with Ann this morning and found this." I'm starting to get nervous. What if he doesn't like it? I pet Dwight as he squirms and looks at the direction of his owner.

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