Chapter 5: Partners

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Where am I? I look around and see an almost empty street. The only objects in sight are a red Ford truck and a black Nissan car. The truck is on it's side and the car looks destroyed in the front.

Why does this look familiar? How did I end up here?

I start to feel something tugging the bottom of my shirt and when I look down I see a little girl crying.

"Help me please! My daddy is hurt." She cries out.

She seems really young. When I take a close look, I realize that the little girl is seven year old me. What? Am I going insane? I must be.

I'm about to say something when I hear sirens. I look to see where the noise is coming from and bright lights blind me as police cars come closer into view.

Out of nowhere the siren sounds turn into some strange beeping.


Sirens don't make that sound. What is that?


I open my eyes and when they adjust to the glaring morning light, I sigh with relief when I see I'm in my bed.

It was just a dream.


Ugh. My alarm is still blaring on the loudest volume setting.

I quickly turn it off and busy myself with getting ready for the day ahead. I want to be distracted from reliving my past even if it's just for a moment.

I rummage through my closet and throw on the first things I lay my hands on, which happen to be a grey v-neck and dark blue jeans.

After finishing my basic morning routine, I decide to munch on a strawberry granola bar I find in the kitchen cabinet. I hope it's not expired since they've been here awhile. After taking another bite I conclude that it tastes fine so I should be safe. I think. I really need to go shopping.

I can't wait for this day to go by fast so I can come back and sulk. That's not healthy but I don't feel exactly feel happy or sun-shiny.

Before I leave, I notice several missed text messages. When I see who it is and what it says, I just throw my cell phone in my tote bag. I don't have time for Stephen's crap. I already have enough on my plate. No need to add the cheater ex-boyfriend who suddenly won't leave me alone to the mix.

I briefly close my eyes and count to ten. Breathe in, Breathe out.

Once I calm down, I head for the door and make my way to creative writing. Lately I've started walking instead of taking my car, a black toyota matrix, since my apartment is right down the block from campus.

On the way there I try to push away any thoughts about the still unread letter, the dream, or about stupid Stephen.

I hate that I can never escape the past. I hate Stephen and Stephanie. I basically hate everything at the moment.

While busy loathing life, I make it to my class in just about five minutes. Pretty impressive since it usually takes me twelve. Does being mad make people walk faster? It might go hand in hand, I mean no one will believe you're mad if you walk slow. I've never seen an angry slow walker. Unless you're a zombie. Great, now I'm rambling to myself.

As soon as I sit down, I let my tote bag fall to the ground. I'm clearly in some weird shitty mood and there's nothing to cure it.

Why fight it?

"What's going on with you Jen? It looks like you want to murder someone." I hear Alex chuckle as he sits next to me again.

I avoid looking at him and just mumble out a "I'm fine."

Maybe if I say it enough it will come true.

"I-" Alex starts to add something but is cut off by Mr.Hall greeting us as he strolls in.

"Good morning class! I can see all of you are ecstatic to be here judging by the expression on your faces."

I notice half the class looks like they seriously need a caffine drip or to be tased awake.

"Today I want you to start on your creative writing journal. If you read your syllabus, you saw that every week I have given you a small writing prompt for you to work on. While thinking about it further, I have decided to pair you up with another classmate so it can be more fun and you can compare your answers." He begins. "The assignment is to be done after class hours. At the end of the semester you and your partner will work on a special project which will count as your final."

Some sound happy about it and others sigh with annoyance. At the moment I really couldn't care less.

He continues on to say that he will pick names from the attendence list and pulls out a clipboard from his faded brown leather briefcase. He starts calling out names of people I don't know. I should be paying attention but my mind has drifted off into oblivion.

When several seconds pass by, the only thing that brings me back to the present is hearing my name.

" paired with Amelia Morgan. Okay everyone, now that that's over with, please get your writing workbook out and open to page 15."

I pull out my book but realize I have no clue who my partner is. Shit. I can't ask the professor because I'll have to explain that I wasn't paying attention.

What would I say? "Hey, could you please tell me again who my partner is since I wasn't listening to a word you were saying?" Not exactly a good impression to leave.

Just when I think about a polite way to ask, Alex throws a folded piece of notebook paper on my desk. I give him a weird look but he's suddenly become invested in his book.

I open the paper slowly as if it were a ticking time bomb.

Noticed you weren't paying attention, you're really lucky I'm your partner. It's like you won the lottery! Congrats bff ;)

P.S Where should we meet to work on the thingy?

P.P.S Please bring snacks (and coffee for me)

I'm guessing "thingy" means assignment. Well, at least I now know who my partner for this journal is. I just hope he doesn't annoy me to the point where I have to murder him.

Meet me after class at the library, I have a free hour before my next class. Also coffee is disgusting.

P.s Stop with the winky face, it creeps me out

I write under his note and toss it back.

He reads it and gives a secretive smile. I see him scribble something else then he passes it.

See you there Jenny ;)

Again with the winky face. Honestly, he seems like the type of person where if you tell him not to do something, he will and vice versa.

"I want all you to read the short story on this page and answer the questions that follow. It shouldn't take you long. When you are done you may turn it in and leave. Any questions?" Mr. Hall inquires.

No one asks anything or responds.

"I think we're good." Alex speaks up to break the silence.

"I see that. Well, good luck and don't forget about the journals. Oh and next time please come with some energy. You are all to young to already look miserable. Cheer up." He jokes.

It doesn't take me long to read and answer the questions. They're pretty easy since it just asks what I would do differently to the fate of each character and to create a new ending.

Once I'm done, I stand up to turn it in.

Right before I leave, I see that Alex is already gone. I just hope he remembers to meet me where I told him.

I usually dislike working with partners because you never know if they are going to do their part or end up being lazy.

Fingers crossed this works out.

Kiss with a fist (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora