Chapter 41: Dream

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If I knew how peaceful cemeteries were, I would have probably visited a lot sooner. I'm sure a part of me just made it scarier in my head. When I was a child, I pictured it would have haunted house vibes. I had an overactive imagination and believed ghosts or spirits would pop up from the graves. Then as I grew older, I just avoided thinking about it.

"It's a nice cemetery." Alex mentions as he puts his arm around my waist. We are both sitting on a marble bench a couple of feet to the right of my mom and dad's burial site and simple tombstone engraved with their names and the years they lived.

"It is." I agree and take another look around.

Throughout the sprawling property, there are several statues depicting angels and other nature like objects among the headstones. There is even a charming pond near the entrance It almost looks like a park, except for the obvious reasons.

When we had arrived, we put the artificial gardenias Angela brought with her in the in-ground vase and had a moment of silence. It felt awkward at first, but eventually there was a sense of peace. I no longer had this strange weight on my shoulders.

"Do you find it odd that your aunt is okay with Ann being here?" Alex asks curiously.

Before answering, I turn to look at the area where my aunt Angela, cousin Ethan, and Ann are walking. Angela said she had bought extra flowers to place on the graves that didn't have any so the deceased won't be completely forgotten about.

"Not really, she isn't much of a grudge holder either. I think that's where Ethan gets that trait from."

This morning when she came to pick me up, I was about to answer the front door when Ann basically shoved me out of the doorway to get a chance to speak to her first. Angela and her ended up talking in her bedroom for about ten minutes, and when they were done, they were acting like everything was normal. I have no clue what Ann said, but it seems like it worked.

"This may be weird to bring up, but what's going to happen when her uncle gets released from prison in one year? I only ask because I don't want to see you and Ann fight again. I know how tough that was on the both of you."

"I'm okay with it now. When he gets released he's going to be on parole, but they are allowing him to move to Denver where he has some other family. I'm planning on writing to him to tell him I've forgiven him. I think it's a way of closing that chapter."

Holding onto resentment and other similar emotions just causes damage. It helps a bit that from what Ann has told me, he has truly changed for the better and wants to help those with drug addictions.

"That's very mature and healthy of you." Alex responds with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Don't sound so shocked! I can be a responsible adult who makes sound decisions sometimes." It rarely happens, but I have my moments.

"Except when picking a movie. Remember the time you wanted to watch Sharknado 3 over Guardians of the Galaxy a couple of days ago? I questioned my faith in you that day." He teases.

"We just have different tastes in movies."

"Yes, but you haven't even seen part one and two of that movie. It would have made no sense to randomly start on the third one."

He does make a valid point, but I can't let him know that.

"It has sharks and tornados Alex. I think I can keep up with the storyline." I roll my eyes and pretend to be annoyed. I love messing with him.

"Are y'all ready to go? Or are we to busy talking about the awesome films known as Sharknado?" Ethan suddenly appears beside me.

"He means the dumbest." Ann walks up with Angela not far off.

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