His Desires

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"I want you to be mine." He told me simply like he was telling me what the weather was. "I want you as my destined, my queen. Running the cosmos can be lonely and quite troublesome on my own, and I've been searching for someone who matched me."

Words, I could finally utter them. "Why me?" Eyebrows drawn together, and voice laced with tremors of despair, they were the only words I could utter.

He smiled, like he saw me as this naïve little dove. "You're exactly what I have been looking for. You are my beautiful disaster."

"What does that even mean?" I hissed lowly, so tired of hearing that every time I questioned his fascination with me. Honestly, I wasn't anything special.

He suddenly stood, and I jumped at the abrupt movement and scooted deeper into my chair, wanting as much space between him and I as possible.

"It means your strength could almost match my own. You could be my equal. We could rule the cosmos together." He was in front of me the next second, either not knowing or caring for my need to be a good distance away from him. Doing my best to not cringe back at his proximity, my shackled hands clenched, and I tried to pull back only for my back to hit the chair.

Icy white that quickly flashed to frigid blue eyes stared into mine. His face moved closer to mine, and his warmth swept over me making my mind go fuzzy for a moment. "You're capable of so many things, yet your unawareness hinders you. You are one of the most powerful Nobellians I have ever seen. Imagine if we could unlock whatever powers and strengths you used that killed my men in that winter blast. You could be unstoppable, we could be unstoppable. We could rule the cosmos together." His fingers crawled along the skin of my jaw before slowly trailing them down my neck leaving goose bumps in their wake. Teeth sunk into my bottom lip trying to not to show weakness and shy away from his touch.

No longer able to look into his eyes that danced with delusions of the future, hearing the conviction in his words, I closed my eyes and pulled away from him finally losing the fight to not show him my discomfort. There was something behind his words that I couldn't yet decipher. He was leaving something out, but I didn't know what.

A deep, amused chuckle crawled from his chest and reverberated in his throat watching my actions. "Why act like you don't like my touch? Your shiver says otherwise." His breath fanned against my neck and the truth to his words caused frustration and perplexity to settle heavily on top of my chest.

Yes. I was affected by his touch, yet I didn't know why. I had a kindred spirit, hopefully somewhere safe, but I had no idea why my body reacted to this alien in front of me. Of course he was handsome, but that was about it. Just because the wrapping was beautiful, did not mean the gift inside was just as exquisite. The confusion of it all made me even more agitated and opening my eyes, they glowered at him. "I don't know why I do, and I don't care! I don't want you! I already have someone that I love." One eyebrow raised at my last hate-filled comment, yet he didn't seem surprised. "I hate you! I could never even dream of ruling the cosmos with a blood-thirsty monster next to me."

Throwing my head back, I laughed. I cackled, tinging on crazy. Shackled with a collar around my neck holding my powers at bay, I had just got told that the entire reason why they attacked Terra a third time was due to me. Maybe their attack would have been inevitable, but if everything he said was true, Terra was attacked, and millions died or are dying, because of me. He had stolen the Orb of Tranquility because he knew that would draw me out. Their third invasion had never been about taking down Terra. It was about capturing me. They managed to kill two birds with one stone.

The reality of the situation was crushing.

Even when I didn't do anything, trouble followed me. My entire goal since I learned I was the golden princess was to make Terra a better place. I saw the poverty, I saw the injustices, I saw their society's weaknesses. With my newly appointed status, I had hoped to make a change, a change I wished I could had saw living back on Earth yet never did because society was ruled by people who cared more about paper than life. With Terra, I had hoped it would be different. Everyone would have mattered and would have been taken care of simply since they were a Nobellian.

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