His Rules

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"Well he sure got himself a pretty one." A sultry voice mused impressed. The voice was feminine and the accent was thick and harsh sounding. "Although her choice of clothes is beyond my taste."

"Oh, quiet." A softer, more fragile voice hushed the first one. A small gasp followed. "She's waking up."

Groaning lowly, I opened my eyes grudgingly seeing the same ceiling I saw last time I woke up, which meant I ended up exactly where I started.

Fuck my life once again.

Feeling the stale taste of defeat, yet resignation that this was in fact happening and real and that it wasn't a horrible nightmare that I could wake up from and then happily watch SpongeBob to wear away the negative feelings, I pushed myself up into a sitting position. Damn, I missed those times.

"Well, hello pretty one." That same sultry, yet harsh accented voice spoke bringing my attention to my right.

Dark eyes collided with mine seeming very amused. A feline, feminine face with a pert nose, whiskers, and two pointy pierced ears greeted me. Two spotted tribal prints that closely resembled leopard spots ran across her face. As if the dots were following the leader, two lines extending from under her eyes and reaching the center of her nose stood out against her skin which had a green tint it. Dark blue hair styled in a sleek bob framed her angular face. "The name is Neit, lover by night and huntress by day and...well night too." Her lips parted into a grin, which seemed almost threatening with the way two sharp canines extended past her plump, bottom lip as she smiled.

A hand with very similar dotted patterning extended towards me. Knowing it would be best to make friends rather than enemies in a foreign environment, I placed my cold hand in hers. It took everything I had not cringe back when she brought her face to the top of my hand and allowed her prickly whiskers to feather over the skin there.

Different cultural norms, Avril, different cultural norms! Don't make enemies when you don't have to.

I told myself as she released my hand and then turned towards the woman to my left.

I could already tell that the two women were like night and day just by the demeanor of the second creature. While Neit seemed confident, calculative, and tinging on a little bit of the distrustful side, the woman who had yet to introduce herself seemed innocent and almost naïve.

"My name is Marjani." Her gentle voice caressed my body seemingly putting it at ease. The creature's face was soft, yet she looked more fish or something out of the Mariana Trench than anything I had ever seen before. If I was being honest with myself, she could have been a long-lost cousin of Squidward from SpongeBob. I mean, she was of course way more better looking, but the sea foam color of her skin and the way tentacles priming with different versions of coral and barnacles cascaded down her back like hair was a dead ringer for the cartoon character. Glancing at her limbs, I noted they weren't tentacles either but her extremities were webbed, like a frog or a similar amphibious creature.

"And what are you guys supposed to do to me?" My words were slow, deliberative. Already, I could feel my defenses slowly unwinding preparing myself for anything- a quick punch to the face, both of them trying to pounce on me, I couldn't let anything slide.

Niet, the feline-faced huntress, snorted flippantly, causing my raised hackles to pause. "Whatever you would like. We have been upgraded from simple house and pleasure dolls to your own personal servants." I expected sarcasm from her words, but instead they were simple and matter of fact.

Her words finally clicked and the earlier apprehension dimmed slightly. Once again, the wave of confusion came and swept me in it.

"You-you're my servants?" I stuttered, now noting that both of them were dressed in similar black outfits. Two thin straps held an even thinner, sheer piece of fabric that left little to the imagination of their breasts' appearances. The skirts adorning them were a little bit better, but not by much. The same sheer material covered them. The skirt reached their anklets, yet there was a slit cut on both sides of the skirt showing large amounts of exposed skin. Their modesty was covered by a black fabric that resembled a bikini bottom on a good day.

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