White Flag

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Song: Haim - Forever <<<This use to be my jam! I loved this song the minute I heard it.

As I walked out of the room and down the long intricate decorated halls, I couldn't help but wonder had I made the right decision.

We needed to get the Orb of Tranquility and we needed to get back to Terra, but if we were going to do that we needed to survive this planet and Deteria. I had seen what the Dynoats were capable of, so I knew that my friends and I may not be enough. Hell, we probably weren't enough but it was all we had, and we had to try.

So to win this, we had to be at our strongest. I had to be at my strongest. I couldn't be at my strongest if I didn't even know the extent of my powers nor how to control them. My powers would all be meaningfulness if I suddenly croaked over because I had overexerted myself trying to save everyone.

Watching the fluttering wings in front of me, as the little cockroach name Alem lead me out his room, I chewed on my lip. It hadn't even been five minutes and I was already regretting my decision.

"Child, I can sense your worrying come off of you in waves. Calm my child." Alem said from in front of me, not even turning as he floated in front of me.

"I don't trust you."

He didn't even miss a beat. "Trust comes with time my dear and that's all I could hope."

I opened my mouth to reply, but we entered what looked like a large kitchen connected to a dining room. Marbled blues decorated the counters and white shimmering steel painted the appliances creating an oceanic vibe that instantly calmed me.

My eyes connected with my group of friends who were eating in the dining room the same time a mouthwatering scent filled my nostrils. At the sweet savory aroma, my stomach tightened reminding me that I had not ate since...well since I could remember.

This  was obviously a problem.

"You can go sit with your friends, one of my warriors will serve you." Alem announced, motioning his hands to my friends.

Nodding without another word, obviously blinded by the idea of food, I began walking to my friends. With each step, I visually analyzed them.

Nydale now looked strong and healthy again. The large gash above his eye was non-existent which made me let out a breath of relief. Mist was conscious and able, eating contently next to Nydale. Kaiya and Aeon both seemed relaxed and content. Unsurprisingly Teelah was too close to Ike to my liking, and I realized I liked her better unconscious.

My eyes found Ike's who looked relieved to see me. He scooted over along the purple leave decorated cushioned couch that bordered the large deep green vine-encrusted table to allow room for me. I sat down and immediately a plate of food was placed in front of me. Like my friends, I began to scarf down the food practically inhaling it and swallowing, barely chewing.

Ike placed a hand on my shoulder. "Slow down, Av. You'll make yourself get sick."

I grinned sheepishly, chewed food showed as I spoke. "Sorry."

Understanding my lack of manners, he didn't miss a beat as he replied. Mentally I sighed. A guy who understood me. "Where were you this morning? I woke up and you weren't there." His tone was a mixture of worry and perplexity.

Alem suddenly cleared his throat and everyone turned to him. "I could answer that question Ike. Today, Avril and I have came to an agreement."

I tensed, not wanting to Alem to reveal the news. I had already planned for me to tell Ike about the deal. I didn't know rather Ike would be mad or okay with the deal I had made. Lately he has been severely anti-Avril ideas so I worried about his reaction. While I wasn't exactly scared of his anger, I just didn't want to face it. Not when everyone was relaxed and content.

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